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SCS and SID Prepare Tech Professionals for Boardroom

Preparing Tech Professionals to Be Boardroom Ready

Ensuring board diversity is more than checking a box – it’s good for business. In support of this, SCS and the Singapore Institute of Directors (SID) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 5 September 2022 at the “Ready for Boardroom” Lunch Seminar organised by the SCS Women in Tech (WIT) Chapter.


Under the MoU, SCS and SID will collaborate on increasing the diversity and digital quotient of boards to enhance corporate governance. The three broad areas of cooperation are: Co-develop a directorship development pathway for infocomm and digital media professionals by mapping out skills and competencies required to serve on boards effectively, and charting out key professional development milestones for advancement.

Co-curate and run a holistic Board Readiness Programme for infocomm and digital media professionals to help them become board-ready. The curriculum will include training and educational courses provided by SID, mentorship by experienced directors, and opportunities for professional networking and peer learning. The pilot run will be for SCS WIT Chapter.

Cross-sharing of thought leadership content through co-organising seminars and workshops, and having eminent members speak at each other’s events, to benefit both SCS and SID members.

The SCS-SID collaboration and Board Readiness Programme is supported by Singapore Women in Tech, an initiative by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) in partnership with the tech industry and community.

Signing of the SCS-SID MoU between SCS President, Mr Sam Liew (left) and SID Governing Council Chairperson, Ms Wong Su-Yen (right), and witnessed by Senior Minister of State for Communications and Information, Mr Tan Kiat How (standing right) and President of SCS WIT Chapter, Ms Tan Lee Chew (standing left).