3 minute read


To our brave healers and helpers, workers and educators, Families and neighbors, and small businesses making a difference, We thank you for your selfless devotion during this time.

We're showing some love to our southern hometown heroes who have reminded us that we can get through anything when we take care of each other.

Brice Maynard

Beth is a single mom and nurse on the front lines of the fight against COVID-19. She is also a victim of the terrible tornadoes that came through Seneca, South Carolina, on Easter night. Her home and car were destroyed, but her family was safe. The morning after the tornado, Beth did not stay home – she reported to her shift at the hospital because she was needed there. There was no time to think about her personal loss. Once back home during the following weeks, you could find Beth in the streets of her community offering water to volunteers cleaning up the debris. It takes a special kind of person to look beyond personal tragedy and help others. Beth is that kind of person. Who would have guessed when Brice got a sewing machine for Christmas, she would be so busy helping others just a few short months later? Well, she is, and in a big way. When the shortage of n95 masks developed in early Spring due to the outbreak of COVID-19, Brice Maynard, age 11 and a 5th grade student at Belton Elementary in Belton, SC, took on the task of using her own hands and talents in her home to create and donate mask covers for others. At first, the demand for these masks benefited people in uniform including nurses, doctors, healthcare workers, and military men and women. While Brice busily sewed, the demand grew and the need for mask covers increased to all people; essential business employees, lunchroom ladies at the local school, and the elderly going to chemotherapy treatments. To date, Brice has donated over 100 masks. “It’s all about helping others during this time. Seeing my masks on social media makes me smile and encourages me to continue working, even when I get tired”,

Beth Blackmer

Brice says.

What an awesome story: heroes helping heroes! One Nation Coffee is a veteran and law enforcement officer owned coffee company in Charleston, South Carolina. They watched frontline workers across the country going above and beyond to serve America as the pandemic hit. In their jobs, they understand the importance of not just a cup of coffee, but a GREAT cup of coffee when you need an extra pick-me-up. So, in late Spring, they donated $25,000 in coffee to help fuel the frontline warriors in the battle against COVID-19. Coffee was provided to hospitals in New York City and throughout South Carolina. Check them out at www.onenationcoffee.com and order a coffee subscription. One dollar from every bag sold goes to organizations that serve veterans, law enforcement and first responders.


Through their Masks by Makers inititative, Brackish produced over 3,000 masks which were donated to medical communities across the country and were included with all online orders throughout the campaign. On average they produced 280 masks per week. These masks were donated to multiple hospitals, Senior Living Facilities, Rehabilitation Facilities, a Nose and Sinus Institute, an Orthopedic Sports Medicine Facility, a Nursing Home as well as multiple Home Health organizations. They have also provided their retail partners, located across the country, with complimentary masks for their staff as they begin re-opening their doors. These masks were shipped to customers living in 39 different states. Learn more about Masks by Makers here.