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Finland announces the world’s first phone-free tourist island

Travelers visiting the island of Ulko-Tammio in Finland will be asked to keep their phones in their pockets this summer. The aim is to encourage holidaymakers to take a break from social media and enjoy nature.

Located in the Eastern Gulf of Finland National Park, Ulko-Tammio is believed to be the world’s first phone-free tourist island. The campaign is hoped to encourage people to take a break from social media outside the island, too.

“We encourage visitors to put their phones away voluntarily and to focus their senses on nature instead,” said Joel Heino, manager at Parks & Wildlife Finland.

“This is a great initiative that could be implemented in other nature and recreational destinations, too,” he added.

Technology is part of our everyday lives. Many people find it difficult to put their phone down even on holiday. Sharing your holiday activities on social media might feel more important than simply enjoying the moment.

“Switching off your phone, exploring nature and meeting people face to face are bound to boost your mood and well-being,” said Sari Castrén, psychologist and Research Manager at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare.

“We spend countless hours scrolling our social media feeds. Taking a short break from them means you have more time for new experiences. I’d like to see more initiatives like this that promote digital fasting.”