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Multimedia coordinator at SAS, sole breadwinner in my family, a father of two, a husband, a son, a brother, a friend, and a passionate content creator…

I am Shahrin Aripin and I started out as the maker and creation studio technician in the middle school library at Singapore American School in April 2016. I am also a recipient of a Lucky 8s scholarship that enabled me to pursue a bachelor of science degree in digital media at Singapore University of Social Sciences.

After completing my diploma program, I was unable to pursue higher education due to financial constraints. As time went by, my dream to attain a bachelor’s degree continued to linger in my mind. Digital media is a field close to my heart, and today, as I learn, unlearn, and relearn content creation, I am able to apply this knowledge in my new role as the multimedia coordinator at SAS.

Here’s how the Lucky 8s scholarship has impacted me and why I am so grateful that I had this opportunity.

COST SAVINGS: For me, this was truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! The Lucky 8s scholarship has helped me with my tuition fees and has been a significant financial benefit.

NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES: I have been able to network with other scholarship recipients and even industry professionals, and this has offered me a valuable way to make connections and build my own professional network.

PROFESSIONAL REPUTATION: Earning the Lucky 8s scholarship is a prestigious accomplishment that demonstrates one's commitment to their field of study. Being a scholarship recipient has empowered me to be a leader and role model and enhance my professional reputation and my personal skills and competencies.

PERSONAL AND ACADEMIC GROWTH: Receiving the Lucky 8s scholarship gave me great personal confidence and has provided me the motivation to succeed academically. For some, it can be an opportunity to pursue an area of study that they are passionate about or attend a school they’ve always wanted to!

LIFE-LONG LEARNING: With the ever-changing trends and market, it is helpful to have our skills and competencies be kept up to date. The Lucky 8s scholarship is one of the many assistance programs that has helped pave my way.

Within the ever-expanding media and technology field, this opportunity has helped keep me up to speed with the current and future trends and allowed me to be digitally engaged with the SAS community in general.

I am truly grateful to my fellow educators who have participated in the Lucky 8s challenge and to the challenge grant donors in previous years so that not only I but many of my colleagues have been able to pursue their dreams.

By UMA L., Tenth grade student, Special Sports officer

For over two decades, Special Sports at Singapore American School has aimed to provide comfort and support to individuals with special needs, especially those with Down syndrome and autism. Since 2004, SAS has been partnering with Singapore Special Olympics to accomplish its mission in various venues in Singapore. Since 2022, SAS has been hosting the Special Sports swimming sessions on our very own elementary school pool weekly and more recently basketball sessions for athletes.

Club member Jacob shares, “Each week, athletes from Special Olympics arrive at SAS campus by bus, and we spend an hour swimming and engaging in activities together. It is an incredible opportunity to learn from these athletes, who show us the true meaning of resilience, determination, and kindness. Throughout our sessions, we focus on staying active and healthy, while also building strong relationships and connections.”

Laurence Ervedoza mentions, “Even throughout the pandemic, members worked hard to provide a fitness routine for the participants via Zoom and ensured these athletes were not neglected during that difficult time.” More importantly, over the years, the club has helped provide participants with opportunities to learn skills and imbibe values that translate into other areas of their lives. For example, the teamwork and dedication applied toward their goals have grown tremendously since they have been a part of this weekly session. Beyond that, many club members have formed friendships with the athletes.

Volunteering through this club has taught us compassion and the ability to deal with challenges. Seeing the smiles on the athletes' faces each time they achieve a new fitness goal shows club members how important this club truly is for many of the athletes. Their enthusiasm has motivated the members to keep showing up week after week.

I've been working here at SAS for six years, and it was only this year that I found out that we now host the Special Olympics swim team here. We could always use more volunteers because the more volunteers we have, the more athletes we can accept into the team.

Coaching the Special Olympics is a very rewarding experience and so I would encourage anyone who enjoys swimming to get involved.


The club’s members are dedicated and passionate SAS students and educators, determined to make a difference and help break the stigma usually attached to individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities. It also provides participants with the opportunity to engage in sports despite their disabilities, which promotes their inclusion and acceptance in our society.

Through this program, the participants gain selfconfidence and self-esteem, and they feel like they are part of a sporting community. By taking the time to help the participants progress in their fitness journey, members believe they have helped them go beyond what others may have thought possible. Club sponsor

One unforgettable experience was when students took the athletes out to watch The Hunchback of Notre Dame, a musical where the lead character was played by an autistic actor. This helped shine a light on the importance of representing the differently abled in our community. This joy-filled day was one of a kind and inspired many students to continue serving.

None of this would have been possible without the club’s sponsors, high school Spanish teacher Laurence Ervedoza and middle school science teacher Brendan Riley, who have been dedicated to this organization and consistently show up each Saturday to support the athletes.