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The following guiding documents inform the work of the partners of the NDC Hub:

1. The German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development’s (BMZ) Feminist development policy for sustainable development19 outlines Germany’s work to ensure all its development activities actively address gender inequalities and explicitly promote women, girls and other marginalised groups, ensuring their equal participation.


2. GIZ’s Gender Strategy20 provides a binding framework for the entire organization, whiles including flexibility to design and implement measures in line with the specific mandates and tasks of every organisational unit and position within the organization.

3. The Pacific Gender & Climate Change Toolkit21, from SPC. The toolkit is divided into four modules, which can be read in conjunction or used as standalone documents for practitioners seeking guidance on a specific topic. The modules are also supported by checklists and tools.

4. SPREP Gender Policy22 SPREP recognizes that gender equality is critical “to promote cooperation in the Pacific region and provide assistance in order to protect and improve its environment and to ensure sustainable development for present and future generations” (SPREP Strategic Action Plan, 2017-2022).

5. GGGI Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Strategy23 - GGGI’s Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Strategy 2021-2025 provides a framework toward achieving the principle of “Leaving No One Behind” in the transformation towards green growth.

6. NDC Partnership Gender Strategy24 - The members of the NDC Partnership, as well as the Steering Committee and its Co-Chairs, have emphasized gender equality and women’s empowerment as a high priority for the Partnership, which is reflected in this document.

Further Guidance On Gesi

» A Common Framework for GESI, UN Women https://asiapacific.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/publications/2017/04/gesi-framework

» Gender Parity Strategy, UN Women https://reform.un.org/content/gender-parity-strategy#:~:text=The%20United%20Nations%2Dwide%20Gender,enabling%2 environment%3B%20and%20field%20operations.

» Gender-inclusive language guidelines, UN Women https://asiapacific.unwomen.org/sites/default/files/2022-11/Gender%20Inclusive%20Language%20Guidelines.pdf

» Manual on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion and Gender Responsive Budgeting, UN Women https://asiapacific.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/publications/2019/07/ manual-on-gender-equality-and-social-inclusion-and-gender-responsive-budgeting

» Gender-Responsive Event Management, International Climate Initiative https://www.international-climate-initiative.com/iki-medien/publikation/ why-do-we-need-gender-responsive-event-management-grem-in-iki-projects-new6406e59da9f57694692770/

» GESI Toolkit, Women’s Fund Fiji https://womensfundfiji.org/resources/fund-publications/gender-equality-and-social-inclusion-toolkit-social-inclusion-toolkit/

» Pacific Gender Equity and Social Inclusion in Coastal Fisheries and Aquaculture, SPC https://www.spc.int/resource-centre/publications/pacific-gender-equity-and-social-inclusion-in-coastal-fisheries-and

» Women’s Resilience in Fiji, ADB https://www.adb.org/publications/women-resilience-fiji-gender-equality-climate-change

» Human Mobility, Climate Change and Gender, GIZ https://www.adaptationcommunity.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/HMCCC-Gender-Compendium-2019.pdf