1 minute read

Christine Hager-Braun

Durham, NC

There and Then, Here and Now

Perhaps the quest is more important than the destination.

Machine piecing and quilting. Materials include: cotton fabric hand-dyed by the artist.

Ellen Lindner: A former flight instructor, Ellen didn’t try her hand at art until her forties. After learning the basics, she quickly began to experiment, and over the course of years developed her own fabric collage technique. More recently, Ellen has been dyeing all her own fabric and working abstractly. She finds abstract design to be very challenging, which is exactly why she likes doing it. She often participates in juried shows and has won quite a few awards across the country. Now using her teaching skills at a lower altitude, she teaches online, as well as via her episodes on Quilting Arts (PBS) and The Quilt Show online. Ellen has also written two eBooks and several articles .
