1 minute read

Emiliano Rebon





"I became fascinated with experimenting and creating with metal because I wanted to be able to transform material into something completely new and different. To be able to touch each sculpture, to see it from different angles and different perspectives."

"Every single one of my sculptures are 100% scrap metal, I go to local junkyards, pick up unwanted appliances people give away, as well as extra metal that job sites leave behind Once I bring it all home, is when I start disassembling everything to see what is usable and what isn't. Then I clean all the metal and the fun part begins. Cutting, grinding, heating, up, hammering, bending, etc. It's a long process, but it is so gratifying to see material that was once rusting on the side of the road become the mane of a lion or even a beautiful rose. "

"The process I use for the building phase of the sculpture is MIG welding as well as stick welding, depending on the thickness of the metal. Then I prep the metal before starting the fabrication aspect of the sculpture which involves grinding, cutting, and bending the metal to get it to do what I want."

"My #1 artistic influence is my dad. I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina Since I was a little kid back home, I always remember my dad drawing all over my room walls, covering it from top to bottom with our favorite cartoons As I got older, he would show me all of his beautiful pencil drawings and portraits, and he would experiment with different mediums in his art: pencil, charcoal, acrylics, ink, abstract, realistic portraits, etc. Once I found welding, everything just clicked. As far as influences in my medium, I would say Barbie The Welder is by far the artist that opened my eyes and reassured me that with passion and hard work, I can do this for the rest of my life Reading her books and watching her videos motivated me to be a fulltime artist, even when at the beginning it can be very intimidating "