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on their phone, a third is streaming a movie on their tablet, and a fourth is using a laptop to update her social mediaprofile.
Therefore, the many media channels like TV, OTT, Radio, Print, Cinema, etc. are here to stay based on the life cycle of a consumer, their media consumption patterns, and the arrival of all forms and durations of content consumption. There is sufficient room for everyone to stay and provide consumers with a multi-screen experience.
Data is like our nervous system, extremely important for one’s existence. Similarly in media and entertainmentdataandinsightsisthe key.
Both qualitative and quantitative research techniques are used to gain a deeper understanding of television viewers. The BARC YUMI programme assists in assessing the value of TV programming. Weekly data is available on subjects such consumer viewing habits, programme performances, statistics on advertising spending, target audience segmentation, and comprehension. The qualitative side canbe improved with the use of
Onthedigitalside,therearemanydata technologies that can be employed for performance marketing. To assess statistics and how shows are regarded by the TG, tools like Mix Panel, Tableau, and others are available.The data is monitored by the marketers since it is essentialtostayingontopoftrendsand makinginformedchoices.FGDsandPIs with TG can encourage early concept testing for shows. Trends and current events might inspire fresh ideas for materialthatpeoplecanaccess. The AI Factory is the cherry on top of everything. A wide range of data inputs are used for an OTT. Subscribers have leftreviewsforthecontent.Thestarting point is popularity. This can be calculated over time periods, content types,andcelebrityfaces.Memberscan be categorised by geography, interest, andpopularitywithinthegroups.
Context information from stream plays includes length, day of the week, and type of device. Then, social data is the newest source of features for personalization; we may process what connected pals have seen. Data and algorithms are essential to the whole personalised and customised recommendation engine. In other words, the use of data in media and entertainment is limitless. Realizing the potential, exploring it in depth, and unfoldinglikeanonion'slayersiscrucial for the team. A significant change in recentyearshastodowithPRIVACY;