10 minute read

Assembling the jigsaw

Lieut-Colonel Dean Pallant presents the February update from the Structure Co-ordination and Design Group

THE work of the Structure Coordination and Design Group has felt like a massive jigsaw puzzle. With your help over the past couple of years, we’ve identified the pieces and have started to see the bigger picture of local mission flourishing together.

It might appear that not much is happening but, in the background, THQ and DHQ teams are collaborating and are making progress. It’s complicated dismantling what doesn’t quite work and rethinking how the pieces fit. We’re also having to create some new pieces. Please be reassured that, while the picture might not yet be visible, the parts are coming together, and the end result will see local mission flourishing. But I know that warm, comforting words of hope are not enough, so let me share some of the detail.

Service Design Groups in Business Administration, Communications, Personnel, Mission and the Chief Secretary’s office are continuing their work to improve the support and oversight given to corps and other local mission expressions. A more integrated and streamlined structure is our desired outcome, achieved through continuous improvement. This isn’t quick work, but we’re making progress.

Some 18 per cent of the issues raised during the Structure Co-ordination and Design Project listening phase have now been closed. Of the remaining 82 per cent, most of these are related to current and new projects/initiatives that will take some time to reach a satisfactory conclusion. Here’s what’s already under way:


A Management Data Project has been instigated to develop tools that will allow everyone to use key data in a consistent way, month on month. This will result in operational information being readily available that is easily understood to support decision-making at various points in the organisation from local mission expressions through to THQ.

A review of THQ and DHQ boards and councils is also under way to ensure more streamlined, efficient approaches to decision-making.

Mission Service

A project to digitise and automate processes pertaining to corps rolls, transfers, Pastoral Care Council reviews, etc, has been instigated. A review of the Mission Journal has taken place with updates made in light of Divisional Design Group comments. This will soon be presented to the Territorial Operations Board.


Safeguarding A review of the safeguarding purple box resource is under way, as is a re-examination of safeguarding roles and responsibilities across the territory.

HR In response to the need to improve our recruitment process, HR has launched its HireRoad tool to simplify and streamline recruitment for managers. The team, in response to organisational feedback and concerns about the lack of meaningful performance reviews, is also leading a cross-function project group to revise current performance management processes and policy, dovetailing it with our values and mission priorities. Officers and other spiritual leaders Work is ongoing reviewing our policies and practice for officers and other spiritual leaders.

Business Administration

Property The implementation of the property review continues under the banner ‘Making It Easier’ – there have been structural changes to provide a better service to local mission expressions, and supply chain concerns are being addressed with greater local input. A more appropriate tender evaluation methodology has been approved and customer focus groups and surveys are being used to monitor progress.

Finance The team is working on deploying a new module to the accounting system that will significantly improve the compiling of budgets and subsequently the reporting of financial information through the year, providing a summarised and visual presentation without losing the ability to look at the detail if necessary.

Fleet The team has engaged a second commercial vehicle management company in an attempt to improve the customer experience following negative feedback about the current management company.

Communications Service

A project is in progress to replace the current implementation of OurHub (the information intranet available to people with a Salvation Army email address). This is a major undertaking and will take some time to come to fruition – an initial launch in autumn 2023 is the target. Meanwhile, the launch of salvationist. org.uk is improving access to resources to help people in corps and centres deliver the mission.

On 9 January the next phase of new divisional boundaries was implemented and I’d like to take the opportunity to thank our headquarters’ teams for all their hard work ahead of these changes, and for all they’re doing towards ensuring local mission is flourishing. We continue to learn and make improvements as we go forwards, and we appreciate the grace we have been shown as we do so. Please keep sharing your feedback with us via transformation@salvationarmy.org.uk so we can continue to learn, improve and adapt all we are doing.


General signs letter supporting women’s rights AFGHANISTAN

GENERAL Brian Peddle has signed an open letter to the United Nations and Organisation of Islamic Co-operation expressing significant disquiet about the rights of Afghan women.

The letter, signed by faith leaders and other global leaders, highlights ‘deep concern’ about the latest developments in Afghanistan, where the higher education ban for women was reaffirmed and announced at the end of 2022, followed by a ban on women working in non-governmental organisations and international non-governmental organisations.

The letter asks UN Secretary-General António Guterres to note this ‘calamitous regression in human rights’.

The General said: ‘The Salvation Army is an international Christian movement and, as such, our International Social Justice Commission is represented at the UN. Our role is to advocate for human dignity and social justice with the world’s poor and oppressed.’ – AR




HOMELESSNESS Rough sleeping rises amid cost of living crisis


DUNSTABLE Fundraising for a new flag was boosted by a donation from Maureen Dunn in memory of her husband, Bandsman Haydn Dunn. Corps officer Major Steve Brevitt and Colour Sergeant Mark Edmunds hoisted the flag. Corps officer Major Lindsay Brevitt said that it would not just fly on a Sunday but would be a continual indication that ‘the King is in residence here’ and hoped that it would prompt meaningful conversations with those who see it. – SB


IHQ The Everyone Needs an Army exhibition – produced by the Canada and Bermuda Territory’s communications team and advertising agency Grey Canada – featured a documentary alongside display panels showcasing stories of Salvation Army community response and service during the Covid-19 pandemic. The documentary is available to watch online at youtu.be/JHxjAFna1Vc. – AR


STAPLE HILL Twice-weekly warm welcome sessions offer refreshments and meals, along with puzzle books, jigsaws and newspapers. Many people pop in and some stay for most of the day. A number have started attending worship and others have linked up with Messy Church. – VW

THE Salvation Army has warned the rising cost of living is fuelling a homelessness crisis, as new figures show an increase in the number of rough sleepers.

Findings from the Combined Homelessness and Information Network show that 3,570 people were recorded as sleeping rough in London in October and December 2022. Of those experiencing homelessness, 1,700 were doing so for the first time.

This marks a 21 per cent increase in the total number of individuals experiencing homelessness and a 29 per cent rise in first-time rough sleepers compared to last year.

Homelessness Services Unit Director Nick Redmore said: ‘The cost of living has not only put tremendous pressure on vulnerable people but also on the services designed to help them. Benefits are meant to be a safety net, but local housing allowance hasn’t kept up with inflation so doesn’t cover the full cost of accommodation. There is a growing number of people at risk of homelessness because they are unable to pay their rent.’ – AR


EASTBOURNE Divisional Envoy Jim Woodgate and Home League Secretary

Marlene Woodgate

(Eastbourne Citadel) led a service at Emmanuel Church – a partnership between the Methodist and United Reformed Church – at the end of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. – JW

JOAN West encountered the Army in Kirkcaldy about 12 years ago, when she moved from the Nottingham area to be near her son. She later became an adherent and, prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, decided to explore soldiership. After the national lockdowns, Joan decided it was the right time to sign the Soldier’s Covenant. She is pictured with corps officer Captain Andrew Manley and flag bearer Major Norman Waddington. – AM

COVENANT Sunday featured the enrolment of three junior soldiers. Penny, Connor and Melissa read the Junior Soldier’s Promise together and showed off their preparation activity books, which included photos of them as babies. After, the corps shared a specially commissioned cake. Pictured with them are corps officer Captain Mark Cozens and YPSM Gary Pearson. – MC



AFTER relocating and being connected with the corps for several years, Mel Robinson was re-enrolled as a soldier. As a former officer, Mel used the words of the song ‘Reckon on Me’, his sessional dedication song, as his testimony. Mel is always ready with a listening ear and words of support and comfort just when they are needed. As well as taking his place in the band and the songsters, he supports the community programme. Mel is pictured with corps officer Major Yvonne Andrews and his family. – SR


NOAH was enrolled as a junior soldier by corps officer Lieutenant Keith Scales. Noah is excited to make this step and tell others about what an amazing friend he has in Jesus. He is pictured with Lieutenant Keith, YPSM Melanie Ralph and Songster Leader Stuart Hook holding the flag. – KS

EVIE was enrolled as a junior soldier by corps officer Major Richard Welch. Evie read the Junior Soldier’s Promise to the congregation and knelt at the mercy seat to sign it and pray, before sharing her testimony about how she trusts God, what he means to her and how she turns to him in prayer when she faces difficult situations. Evie is shown with Major Richard and acting YPSM Jo Williams. – RW


CORPS officer Major Jonathan Greetham was awarded the South Western Ambulance Service Chief Executive Commendation for Volunteering. Major Jonathan has been a community first responder in Dorset since 2015. During the presentation speech it was said that, ‘Jonathan has shown true commitment to the CFR scheme and his passion for delivering excellent patient care in the community is recognised, particularly in stepping forward during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic to support ambulance crew in chaplaincy and welfare’. Major Jonathan is pictured with the South Western Ambulance Service’s chief executive, Will Warrender. – KG


CORPS officer Major Alan Norton presented John Kerridge with a certificate in recognition of 65 years’ service as a bandsman. John joined the band after a friend invited him to the corps and he is still a faithful member, playing every week and doing a great stint during carolling. May the Lord give him strength for as long as he needs. – AN

Sunderland Millfield

CORPS officer Major Mark Billard presented Songster Leader Andrew with a certificate of appreciation on his retirement from the role. Major Mark thanked Andrew for his 10 years’ service to the brigade and for his willingness to use his musical and leadership skills for the Lord. Andrew invited songsters past and present to join in singing ‘Showers of Blessing’ as he led them for the last time. – LB

Ipswich Citadel

Army People

Local officers appointed





Wedding anniversaries


DEREK AND RS MARIE CHAMBERS, Staveley, on 11 February

Dedicated to God

CHARLOTTE ELISE TRAQUAIR at Wrexham by Captain Claire Durrant

Retired officers’ birthdays

MAJOR IRIS CLAY, 85 on 6 March


Promoted to Glory



LEN BURT, Wrexham, on 4 December

JESSIE SPOWART, Bo’ness, on 11 January

GRAHAM FARMER , Birmingham Citadel, on 29 January

BANDSMAN JOHN PAYNE, Sheringham, on 31 January

RTD CSM KEITH ADNAMS, Burton-on-Trent, on 1 February

CPR KEITH SLATER , Swindon Citadel, on 1 February

LIEUT-COLONEL FREDA RILEY from her home in Cumbria on 13 February


CS JANET ADNAMS, Stockport Citadel, Gill Beser and Sharon Milligan of their father Rtd CSM Keith Adnams

MARION FARMER , Birmingham Citadel, of her husband

Graham Farmer, Gaynor Sharman and Tim Farmer, both Birmingham Citadel, of their father

SONGSTER BEVERLEY LINDEN, Coventry City, and Alastair Taylor-Payne of their father Bandsman John Payne, Penny Hippey, Susan Cox and Melody Lindberg of their stepfather

BRIAN USHER , Staple Hill, of his brother Stan Usher

DEREK SPOWART, Bo’ness, and Ian Spowart, Watford, of their mother Jessie Spowart

ELSIE WALFORD, Bromley, of her husband Brian Walford

GRAHAM WARBURTON, Swanage, of his wife

Rtd CT Margaret Warburton, Sarah Warburton and Colin Warburton of their mother, Irene Rawles, David Crabb, Christine Swallow, Bath Citadel, and Mary Peach, Winton, of their sister


General Brian Peddle and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle

Wed 22 Feb – Tue 28 Feb Caribbean Territory

Sat 11 Mar – Sun 12 Mar Chatham

Chief of the Staff Commissioner

Lyndon Buckingham and Commissioner

Bronwyn Buckingham

Sat 25 Feb – Sun 5 Mar SPEA Zonal Conference

Territorial Commander Commissioner

Anthony Cotterill and Commissioner

Gillian Cotterill

Mon 27 Feb – Thu 2 Mar Divisional leaders training and consultation

Sat 4 Mar – Sun 5 Mar Bedford Congress Hall

Thu 9 Mar Buckingham Palace*

Sat 11 Mar Chatham

Chief Secretary Colonel Paul Main and Colonel Jenine Main

Mon 27 Feb – Thu 2 Mar Divisional leaders training and consultation

Sat 4 Mar – Sun 5 Mar Scarborough (142nd anniversary)

Mon 6 Mar – Wed 8 Mar North East Division officers’ retreat

Sun 12 Mar William Booth College (Exploring Leadership Day guest speaker)**

*Commissioner Anthony Cotterill only

**Colonel Jenine Main only


Drawing Closer

On 1 March at 7:30pm, join the free online launch for this new resource to find out how it can help explore the Psalms creatively through art. For more information, email music@salvationarmy.org.uk

Generous Discipleship

Find out about gifting your time, talent and treasure using new resources from the Generous Discipleship programme, which include a guide to help answer any questions, a PowerPoint presentation and a six-part Bible study based on Psalm 100:1–5. Read more on salvationist.org.uk or contact generous.disciples@ salvationarmy.org.uk

SOUNDS Beyond Me

Journey through Lent with an audio version of Beyond Me by Major John McLean (Hendon), produced by the online Plexus Corps. Episodes are released daily and a Facebook group provides a forum where listeners can share experiences and responses. Join the conversation at facebook.com/groups/beyond.me.devotional

Listen online at selahtimetobreathe.podbean.com