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Anti-Human Trafficking

In British Columbia, we operate eight antitrafficking direct services and initiatives with a bold goal: to end human trafficking in Canada. In 2020, there were over 500 incidents of police-reported human trafficking (Trafficking in persons in Canada, 2020), most cases involving exploitation related to the sex trade here in our own country. When one person’s liberty is at risk, our entire society’s freedom is at risk, and we must be moved to action.

At The Salvation Army, we have a powerful legacy starting in the 1800s of fighting modernday slavery, and we are leaders in British Columbia for Canada’s modern-day response through our Illuminate program. We use best practices, highsecurity safe locations, and innovative approaches to intervention and aftercare, setting the standard in North America for effective responses that truly change the script of the story.



“To find my authentic self means building a life that is mine and completely mine. With my experience in exploitation, I often felt I had to look and be a certain way. When removed from that environment and with access to supportive programming at The Salvation Army, I realized so much about myself. A lot of what was ingrained in my character was to survive. With no longer needing those survival skills, I am able to consistently discover deeper layers within myself. A new life, full of interests, hobbies, and my own identity. A new value system built on integrity.”

To learn more about our Anti-Human Trafficking programs please visit IlluminateHT.com