3 minute read

Saying 'goodbye' to Mary Law

1946 - 2022

Mary Doris Conley was born June 30, 1946 in Cincinnati, Ohio to Toney and Nadine Conley, who both were pastors in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and are now deceased. She has one sister, Faye Conley Fisher, now deceased, and one brother, Timothy Conley, Huntingtown, Maryland. Mary was a peripatetic soul during her first 30 years. She never lived any place for more than four years before moving to her current residence in Lacey, Washington in 1976. Mary earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in speech and drama from Culver Stockton College, Canton, MO in 1968 and a Master of Science in theater from Illinois State Normal University in 1972. In 1974 she married Larry G. Law and the couple had one child, Amy Mae Law, before divorcing in 1984. Amy is a graduate of Saint Martin's University and is now the Lead Instructional Designer in Physician Education at the University of Washington.

Mary began her employment with Saint Martin's on October 25, 1975 as a transfer evaluator. Later she accepted an offer from then-Saint Martin's College President Fr. John Scott, O.S.B. to fill the registrar's position, which she did on January 1, 1979. She remained in her registrar position until 2011 when she retired. During her time at Saint Martin’s, Mary engaged deeply with the college community. She taught classes on the main campus and at the JBLM Fort Lewis and McChord extension campuses teaching First-Year Seminar, drama, film and musical theater. She also had the opportunity to direct theater productions and served as advisor to several student organizations. Always available to the campus community, Mary had an ‘open-door and candy’ policy. Students, staff and faculty were often seen stopping in for a warm welcome and chat, and leaving with a piece of red licorice.

Mary’s love for the college community was immensely evident as she was an avid supporter of the Saints athletic teams, especially basketball. During her time at Saint Martin’s she almost never missed a home game (missing only 18 home games between 1978 and 2009) and on many occasions traveled to away games to show her loving support. She earned an official spot in the Pavilion for these games and players and fans alike were energized by her cheerful spirit.

In 2003, Mary received the Monks of Saint Martin’s Abbey’s Outstanding Staff of the Year Award for the 2002-2003 academic year to recognize her service to the college community. In 2010 she was inducted into Saint Martin’s Athletic Hall of Honor. In 2012, the year following her retirement as Registrar, she delivered the Commencement address at graduation and was granted the title of Registrar Emeritus and received the President’s Medal for “supporting and promoting the values of Saint Martin’s, modeling those values through kindness, compassion and integrity.” Even after retirement, she continued her service for several months as alumni ambassador for the Office of Institutional Advancement.

Mary’s service to others continued after retirement as she connected with St. John’s Episcopal Church in Olympia. In 2020, her selfless contributions there earned her the Don Duncan Award for her profound impact to the benefit of all at St. Johns. This is a genuine example of Mary’s warm and caring nature. Even the pandemic did not stop her from serving others as she formed an online prayer group that grew to over 20 participants.

Mary will always be remembered for her contagious laugh, her generosity to others, her mentoring to students and staff, and her gift of being ‘mom’ to not only her daughter, Amy, but to so many of those who needed someone to be there for them. She has touched the lives of so many. . . even more than she knew.

We will truly miss her kind and loving spirit.

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In honor of Mary Law, you can make a gift to the Mary Law Scholarship Endowment at www.stmartin.edu/giving. This fund furthers her legacy at Saint Martin’s University and supports students in earning their education.