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Vintage Riders… for the love of horses!
Summer is upon us and there is so much to tell you about! But first, a tip from Susan - go outside and check your trailer for wasp nests before you load up for that next ride! ‘Tis the season!
There were bargains to be had at our Annual Greenhawk Shopping Day. Thanks to manager Amanda, Dale’s Icelandic horse Monsi now rocks a new fluorescent pink saddle pad! The Icelandic word for Monsi’s colour is bleikur, which means pink. So... Monsi is getting a pink wardrobe! Many other members were also delighted with their deals.
We’ve talked before about the wonder that is Working at Liberty. We invited Juliette Cimetiere, from Washington, to do a three day clinic for us. On the Friday evening, Juliette presented a demo with two of her horses. We had a great turnout to audit this demo! We learned a lot about Juliette’s experiences working with Cavalia, her approach to training, and her own ever-evolving equine education. She was so lovely to talk to that a bunch of us went out to dinner together to continue the conversation. The following three days saw the 8 participants taking private lessons each day with Juliette and making incredible progress with their horses. There have already been requests to bring Juliette back. Thanks again to our member, Vicki, for allowing us the use of her lovely indoor arena. What a positive experience the whole weekend was!
Dr. Steve Chiasson from AgWest Veterinary Group attended our General Meeting to talk to us about modern de-worming and vaccination protocols. One of the best things about our group is how interested everyone is in updating their understanding of how best to care for our equine partners. “Because we’ve always done it that way” is not a good enough reason for anything! Dr. Steve is always entertaining and informative and keeps us up to date.
Our members get out and about – Marj had her “Oscar” out for his first rodeo at Cloverdale, hanging out in the Farm Friendz exhibit. She grabbed the opportunity to introduce him to all the sights and sounds and strange animals the fair had to offer. Linda got her handsome “Stormur” all dressed up for the Yarrow Parade.
The first Saturday in June has been designated “BC Trails Day” and is part of the international celebration of Trails Day worldwide. It is a day to celebrate and care for our province’s stunning trail system, a day to educate about responsible recreation and environmental stewardship, and a day to help all British Columbians enjoy trails and outdoor spaces safely.
Vintage Riders
Equestrian Club, with the help of Horse Council of BC, Outdoor Recreation Council of BC, and Metro Vancouver
By Karen Gallagher
Parks Committee, took this opportunity to help educate the patrons of Campbell Valley Park in safely sharing our trails. On a beautiful sunny day, we talked to people about how to approach horses on the trail, the importance of keeping dogs on leash, and the value of simply talking to our horses. We talked about the coming expansion of the Perimeter Trail where bicyclists are allowed, and how they can help when on shared use trails. The more knowledge we can spread, the safer we will all be. We will continue working with these committees to expand this education initiative. Let’s all have a safe and happy summer!
Now for The Really Big News - plans are in the works for our 20th ANNIVERSARY celebration! Vintage Riders Equestrian Club has been doing what we do for 20 fun-filled, educational years! If you have ever been a member and have not heard from us recently, please contact us via email at vintageriders@mail.com. We would love to have you come join in the celebration.
Vintage Riders Equestrian Club… for the love of horses! We are a gathering of horse enthusiasts within the Fraser Valley. Anyone over the age of 21 is welcome. We meet every 3rd Tuesday in Fort Langley to enjoy fellowship and a speaker, and to host a variety of clinics. Find us on Facebook at Vintage Riders Equestrian Club – public, email: vintageriders@mail.com
2023 Upcoming Events: Mountain Trail with Debbie Hughes
Canada Day Ride
Chelan Kozak Eventing Clinic
20th Anniversary Celebration