1 minute read


Ever the Optimists

Throughout its 100 years of existence, Soroptimist International of Sacramento, Inc. has boasted an illustrious membership. The club’s mission—providing women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment—early on attracted members such as Belle Cooledge, who later won election to the Sacramento City Council and was appointed mayor. Virginia Mueller, Sacramento County’s first female deputy district attorney, joined the organization in 1960. Current members include Alice Jarboe, former Sacramento County registrar of voters; Nancy Wolford-Landers, former Sacramento County auditor-controller; and Pat McConahay, an experienced communications director many will remember from broadcast news.

A 100th anniversary celebration is scheduled for March 4 at 5 p.m. at The Dante Club, 2330 Fair Oaks Blvd., with Mark S. Allen as the master of ceremonies. Tickets are $100 and can be purchased at sis.ticketleap.com/100.