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11 Creative Edge Plan Progress

Creative Edge, Sacramento’s 7-year arts, culture and creative economy plan, was adopted by Sacramento City Council in June 2018. The goals of the plan are to:

1. Provide arts education to all Sacramento’s children and youth.


2. Advance cultural equity for all Sacramento’s diverse populations.

3. Build upon and expand Sacramento’s unique creative economy.

4. Enable Sacramento artists and creatives to thrive in their work and to provide creative leadership in the community.

5. Celebrate and infuse all Sacramento neighborhoods and districts with arts and culture.

6. Expand and solidify Sacramento’s investment in arts & culture

Progress is being made. 87% of goal strategies show some activity or ongoing activity since the plan launched.

Activity on Creative Edge Tactics

What’s Next

The Office of Arts & Culture laid a lot of groundwork to advance the goals of the Creative Edge Plan while working on sectorrelated recovery efforts. 2023 will bring forth additional resources and support to the field, including:

Creative Economy

ARPA Investments

Bring forth programs and partnerships to help support creative businesses, foster arts journalism, support individual artists and enhance youth workforce development opportunities in the creative economy.

Professional Development Programming for Nonprofits

Launch diversity, equity and inclusion training as well as financial management training and mentoring for arts and cultural nonprofits in Sacramento County.

Launch professional development programming for individual artists.

Creative Corps

Launch a multi-county initiative to support artists developing communications campaigns focused on climate change, civic engagement, social justice and public health. This will include hiring 5 artists in residence within the City of Sacramento as well as a sizeable grantmaking endeavor.