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Sabri Ülker Center Imaging Lab

I am very excited to announce that the Sabri Ülker Center Imaging Lab was launched in November of 2016. Though still in its infancy, this new facility will expand the research capacity of the Center for Nutrient, Genetic, and Metabolic Research by offering state-of-the-art microscopy and imaging capabilities.


Specifically, the Imaging Lab offers a spinning disc confocal microscope with laser scanning capability, which allows our researchers to monitor biological processes in live cells, as well as evaluate cellular sub-structure and organelle dynamics. In addition, previous work from our group demonstrated the key role of calcium in integrating inflammation and organelle function in the development of metabolic disease, and the Center is equipped with a wide-field microscope for the measurement of calcium flux in cell lines and primary cells. Finally, we have secured additional space for image analysis and eventual acquisition of a third microscope to accommodate the emerging high power superresolution technologies and apply them to metabolic analysis. I hope you will appreciate some of the beautiful images beginning to emerge from this work that are included in this report. I truly believe in the adage, “seeing is believing,” and am so pleased at the way this Imaging Lab enables us to capture visual evidence of biological processes, as well as make new discoveries and progress toward a better understanding of metabolic pathology.