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BHS news

The hidden benefits of wearing...

Summer’s longer days are over and we know “be seen, be safe” is the watchword on our roads and bridleways as daylight hours decrease. But have your considered other benefits of wearing Hi Viz every time you ride? While there is no way to 100% guarantee that a driver will pass you in a responsible manner, wearing Hi-Viz will strengthen an insurance claim in the unfortunate circumstances that something outside your control goes wrong. Hi-Viz also has benefits for off road riding. It allows for dog walkers to see you from a greater distance, giving them more time to get their dog under control. If you are out hacking in an area where there are low flying aircraft or helicopters, the pilot is more likely to spot you, giving them the opportunity to either change course or gain altitude to avoid your horse reacting. Hi-Viz may also help save your life if you have a fall while out


Hi Viz

for a hack on your own. While it may not provide protection, like a helmet would, Hi-Viz can be vital in locating you if you have lost consciousness. It could help a search party spot you or even make it easier for a helicopter to spot you from above. For more information about how to stay safe while out and about, why not complete our Ride Safe Award. As part of the cost of the Award a Hi-Viz tabard is provided. Please also remember that if you encounter an incident on the road, you can report it to BHS through the new BHS safety app, ‘Horse i’, which is available to download for free from the Apple store and Google Play. If you do not use a smartphone, you can still record incidents via the online form at horseincidents.org.uk.

Youngest ever participants

The British Horse Society’s publication, ‘British Horse’ acknowledged the fundraising efforts of Eliza and Beatrice Cowell in their June edition of the magazine. “Eliza, six and Beatrice, three are the star fundraisers of the Rideathon 2020, raising £265 for the Ride Out Fund and hacking more than 70km on their Shetland ponies. They are also the youngest particpants to have ever completed Rideathon! Along with their mum Caroline, Eliza and Beatrice also help out at their local BHS Affiliated Equestrian Access Group, Essex Bridleways Association.