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Non surgical and minimally invasive options for treatment of varicose veins

Endovenous laser therapy is a quick, minimally invasive alternative to traditional vein stripping Endovenous laser therapy using painless laser is a relatively new outpatient treatment that can be performed under local anaesthesia in less than an hour

Varicose veins occur when the vein is not functioning properly to return blood from the lower leg to the heart Each vein has a series of valves that open to allow the flow of blood to the heart, and close to prevent backflow (otherwise known as “reflux”) of blood back into the foot. The walls and valves of veins are thin and elastic, and can stretch due to a variety of conditions including pregnancy, heredity injuries, inflammation and age


Approximately half of the population has some form of venous disease, and varicose veins affect about one out of two people age 50 and older, and 15-25% of all adults.

Previously, treatment of painful, swollen varicose veins required a surgical procedure called vein stripping, where the vein was completely removed from the leg More recently, endovenous laser therapy has been developed Bulging varicose veins in the lower leg are usually caused by a faulty valve located higher in the leg: that can’t be seen at the surface The endovenous laser therapy treats the source of the problem, which then causes the varicose vein in the lower leg to shrink and disappear Laser energy heats the vein from within, causing it to shrink, collapse and seal shut Patients experience minimal discomfort, and they can return to normal activities the same day

Because there are many veins in the leg, the blood that would have flowed through the closed vein simply flows through other healthy veins after the laser therapy

Coltishall Clinic also offers minimally invasive and non-invasive sclerotherapy and lasers to treat varicose and spider veins

For more information or to book an appointment, Call 01603 736487 or log on to the website www coltishallclinic co uk

Coltishall Clinic

The Museum of the Broads opens for 2023!

We can’t wait to welcome visitors again from Thursday 30 March.

Our special exhibition is on Broadland artist, Philippa Miller During her long life, Miss Miller was inspired by the Broads to paint and sketch, to make films, to research village signs and to create miniatures

The exhibition shows her personal response to the landscape she knew and loved and is complemented by her own words from the diaries and journals she left behind Miss Miller is also known for her sketches of the bomb damage done to Norwich during the Second World War, but it is her depictions of the Broads that are her true legacy Don’t miss this tribute to a true artist of the Broads Discover how a marshman’s family lived, see inside a holiday bungalow, and find out more about cobblers and sail makers Other displays have changed too, there are new family activities, and our old favourites, our trip boats, will be running again too

We welcome groups, are introducing new combined Museum and boat tickets, and all 12s and under come to the Museum for free So, what are you waiting for?

We look forward to welcoming you to our historic and unique setting by the river!

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