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Overstrand Gardening Club

Tuesday 7th February saw the first club meeting of 2023 and we welcomed 41 returning and 7 new members and 2 visitors. Our speaker this month was Mr Richard Clark from Panache Plant Nurseries with an informative and entertaining talk on “Hardy Salvias”

He explained that these non-fussy plants were both easy to grow and to propagate from cuttings They thrive in sunny spots and flower best on poorer soil Many originate from Mexico where they naturally grow in scrubby desert, but they are quite hardy over our average UK winters, if left unpruned till late spring, when they can be given a light trim


They range through the colour spectrum both as pastel and bright shades that zing out in the sunshine; their foliage too varies from silvers, through a range of greens and some bronzes. They have a long flowering period covering 10 months of the year and the simple flowers are a big attraction for pollenating bees and moths

Our next meeting on Tues 7th March is at the earlier time of 2pm starting with the AGM then followed at 2 30pm with a seed sowing workshop, at The Parish Hall Overstrand

For further information please contact Yvonne (Secretary) on email overstrandgardeningclub@gmail.com


If you have a living crisis, we can help you with • Emergency Food Parcels • Accessing Local Agencies • Your Energy Bills • North Norfolk Foodbank on 07826 376343 Email: info@ northnorfolk.foodbank.org.uk ww.northnorfolk.foodbank.org.uk

A walkover for just knowing the moves! Actually, I wonder if this would be the record length for a published orthodox problem with all moves forced on both sides

The length (12 moves!) of No. 312 might put off at first sight, but in fact it is so easy that I need not trouble solvers to send solutions this time either It does not even conform to the usual convention that a good problem should never start with a check I leave readers to enjoy the spectacle of the black K being “kicked upstairs”

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