2 minute read


After graduating Year 12 as a member of the Class of 2012, Tess Gardiner followed her passion for the environment, poverty alleviation and food nutrition to university. She could never imagined where her studies would take her.

What was your favourite memory of you time at Ruyton?


Year 12 is a precious time to look back on. The countdown to our final days would have to be my favourite memory. Themed days, taking photos, preparing for our final assembly, and then of course our last day. It was like the nostalgia kicked in before we’d even left. I loved the final days, saying goodbyes and being grateful for the past six years mixed with the excitement of the next adventure.

What is your current occupation?

For the last three years, I was the General Manager of a not-for-profit social enterprise called The Community Grocer, that runs affordable pop-up fruit and veg markets and programs to increase social, physical and economic access to fresh food. After making a (literal) sea change at the end of last year, I’ve stepped back in my role with The Community Grocer and taken a position as Health and Wellbeing Planner at Golden Plains Shire Council. This sees me planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the Council's Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan. It’s a nice balance of still doing the on-the-ground food systems work with The Community Grocer and taking a public health and place-based approach across a broader portfolio (beyond just food) with Council. Is the occupation what you imagined for yourself when you were in Year 12?

Looking back, it makes sense how I arrived where I am, but I didn’t imagine it. Back then I knew I wanted to work with people and was into sustainability and social justice; that’s not changed. I kept finding opportunities that filled me up and left those that didn’t. The more I learn and grow, the more excited I get about the possibilities ahead.

Are the values and aims of your work in line with your own passions?

Definitely. I feel so lucky to have work that fulfills me so much. Food is such a powerful tool and is a common denominator for every person on this planet. It should be everyone’s right to be able to access affordable, high quality, culturally appropriate fresh food. The Community Grocer’s vision is not just about ensuring fresh food access but also using food to connect us and I think that particularly resonates with me. It’s been great to be able to take those learnings and apply them to my work with Council.

What advice would you give your Year 12 self?

Trust your instincts, grab onto opportunities that come your way, expose yourself to the world, keep learning, don’t stop looking at the bigger picture, have confidence in yourself and strive for happiness. You’ll never stop growing so lean into the mess and enjoy the ride.

Marina Altson (2015) Community Relations Assistant