1 minute read



The aims of the English Language course are to enable pupils to read, write and speak with fluency, through engagement with a wide variety of text types from different times, places and perspectives. Pupils will have opportunities to develop as critical thinkers through the development of their analytical and evaluative skills.


At Rugby School Japan, we encourage pupils to read widely, speak fluently and write accurately in preparation for further study. It is expected that most pupils will be selected to take the IGCSE English First Language course, including many that have a different home language.

Nature Of The Course

This is a course which centres on skills rather than content or knowledge. Teachers will guide pupils through a wide variety of text types and consider the purpose, intended audiences and the features of language that appeal to specific audiences and are used for specific purposes, while considering underlying biases.

Assessment Details

Examination board: Cambridge IGCSE (0500)


The exam comprises:

• Paper 1 - Reading: Pupils will respond to a series of written texts with short comprehension tasks and longer extended writing tasks

• Paper 2 - Writing: Pupils will compose extended written responses - one response in a specific text type, and one for a specific purpose