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Your Say: At Home with Andrew

Your Say

At Home with Andrew


“Royal Rehab has been a constant in my life. The staff care, understand and provide continuous support. I’ve been part of the Royal Rehab family for over 30 years because I feel like I belong. I am supported to enjoy doing things I love, including singing, socialising and helping others. Royal Rehab makes this all possible for me.’’

Andrew, long-term resident

We were so lucky to spend time with one of our long-term residents, Andrew and learn more about his witty ways and quiz-loving quirks.

Born with spina bifida, Andrew moved into a Royal Rehab assisted living home at the age of 18. With a natural love of people and learning, Andrew joined the home’s management committee and signed up to be a Royal Rehab volunteer. Today, Andrew is proud to boast that he is one of our longest serving volunteers. He spends his time helping out with everything, from parties and movie nights, to providing practical assistance to other residents and being an active member of the Royal Rehab choir.

Now in his 50s, Andrew has called his Royal Rehab supported group accommodation in Abbotsford his home for over a decade. Here he receives support and assistance from Royal Rehab’s friendly support workers including daily living activities, power wheelchair transfers, meal preparations and personal care.

Andrew’s home is full of character and love as family and friends are able to drop in any time, with food and fun being the main themes of his get-togethers. Andrew stays up to date with all the latest hits and flicks, and was quick to boast about his love for sci-fi and everything Star Trek. He considers himself “eclectic” and is also a fan of musical theatre with Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables amongst his favourites.

“My support workers know and understand my needs as well as my interests. They support me when I need them, yet empower me to be as independent as possible. They make sure I get out and about, that I get to enjoy life, and that I go to trivia whenever I can,” said Andrew.

For inspiration, Andrew picks up Joni Eareckson Tada’s autobiography to read from time-to-time. When asked what outlook on life he gained from that, he confidently declared, “What’s a wheelchair? It’s just a way of getting around.”

For more information on our disability support and accommodation offerings, please call us on 02 9808 9600.

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