1 minute read

Perspective: Photographic Heritage


The photography of heritage subjects has been around for a long time. Since the advent of photography photographers have chosen to record places and events that have become part of our heritage.

Indeed without early photographs we wouldn’t know about some aspects of our heritage. As cameras and technologies have developed and changed over time so Heritage Photography and its use has increased and our capabilities have likewise grown in their use.

Michelle Yate’s article looks at her use of the optical properties of a lens ball to look at past histories from a different perspective.

Robert Galloway through looking at his personal camera collection shows us how technology has progressed and how it is now part of our photographic heritage.

In a short piece David Bryson looks at the historical origin of stops part of our everyday photographic terminology.

Shaun Parkes then covers a military treasure HMS

Caroline the last surviving ship from the Battle of Jutland.

Finally Eric Houlder takes a personal perspective on presenting heritage to an audience.

The next theme for the next issue will be around photographs submitted for the exhibition “Making Silent Heritage Speak” organised by Mike Glyde, see more about this in the Chair’s chat.

Please remember that more articles for publication are very welcome. As always I can only publish from the work that is submitted to me. If you would like to get feedback and submit stories/ideas of photographs for the journal please contact me by e-mail. heritage.editor@rps.org

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