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Volunteers: ASTOP

Volunteers Participate in ASTOP

Since the onset of the pandemic, we have all been faced with isolation to some degree. Geriatric patients and clients of the Algoma Geriatric Program are no exception and in fact, were especially impacted by isolation resulting from the COVID-19 Pandemic.


As a result, Volunteer Resources and Geriatric Services teamed up to create Algoma Seniors Telephone Outreach Program (ASTOP). Our volunteers were eager to be engaged while they were not onsite at SAH. They began making weekly phone calls to patients and clients identified through Geriatric Services who would benefit from receiving a weekly friendly phone call. These calls began in May of 2020 and are still continuing.

Seven volunteers have contributed to the program since it began and the program currently has four active volunteers making weekly phone calls to 31 patients/clients. Our volunteers have contributed over 260 hours to this unique program. They created connections for those individuals who would have otherwise been isolated during a very challenging time. It has not only benefitted our clients and patients from Geriatric Services, but has been enriching and gratifying for our volunteers.

“I have had the pleasure of talking with a number of patients over the past several months. I have found that it is a great way to connect with them. It’s like they have invited me into their homes to have quaint chats about their days during the pandemic and about their past. Some have raised children and are still quite connected with them, while others continue to enjoy hobbies and chatting about current events,” says Sara, ASTOP Volunteer.

Volunteers have enjoyed getting to know the clients and have formed a supportive bond with each of them. Conversations have been centred around common interests between the two participants, from politics to gardening, and current holidays.

Jennifer (L) and Sara

“I speak with a client who takes pride in her Christmas lights. She has a ceramic tree that has been with her for years which is front and centre in her window. I asked if she would mind giving me her address so I could drive by. On Christmas eve, I sat in front of her house for a bit, admiring her lights. She was absolutely delighted and it made her day,” says Jennifer, ASTOP Volunteer.

Clients and patients have appreciated the community connection and have loved being able to talk to someone outside of their regular contacts. This program gives them the opportunity to share their stories with someone new, and to make break up what can be a long day in lockdown. Clients and patients also provide the volunteers with a new and at times, refreshing perspective during the Pandemic.