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Roedean Academy Overview

The Roedean Academy is an exciting collaborative programme of academic enrichment for highly talented and aspiring students in the local area in Year 10. If these words describe you and you’re ready to be challenged intellectually and think independently, apply to take part!

This is the fifth year the Academy has run, and it has been so successful that it has grown in scope and reach each year – in 2022-2023, the programme will include up to 100 students from 7 schools in the local area, and collaborative activities will take place each term.

The programme is delivered at Roedean, and is designed to bring together like-minded young people, to provide enriching academic extension far beyond what is required at GCSE, to stimulate and challenge the most able, and to help to prepare them for more detailed and rewarding study in the Sixth Form and beyond.

In order to benefit fully from the Roedean Academy, you need to be ready and willing to contribute and play an active part in all elements of the programme, and to commit to attending all sessions across the year.

The Roedean Academy runs on Tuesday afternoons, from 16:00 to 18:00. Transport from our partner schools will be provided, but all attendees must make their own arrangements for return travel. There is no charge for taking part in the programme.


A selection of titles from June 2022

International Relations Theory: Ukraine – a Case-Study (Politics)

Love It or Hate It... The Physics of Marmite! (Physics) Crystal Lattice Structures (Chemistry)

Shakespeare’s World: Understanding Texts through Objects (English) Covid Recession, Cost of Living Crisis, Climate Crisis! What is Going On? (Economics)

Reality and Illusion –living in Stalin’s Russia (History)

A Study of Animal Behaviour (Biology)

Neurodiversity – A Study (Psychology)

Hollywood Films and their Hidden Meanings (English)

Overview of the Programme for 2022-2023

Autumn Term 2022

Black History Month lecture

5 October 2022 – 16:00-18:00

The History of the Windrush – Baroness Benjamin DBE OBE. The lecture is followed by discussion and exploration of this theme in small groups.

Spring Term 2023

February-March 2023

5-week programme, after February half-term, with 2 sessions each week

Students have a free choice of which sessions to attend, allowing each to follow a path which complements their interests, be that in Science, Humanities, or Arts

International Women’s Day on 8 March 2022

Students are welcome to take part in this empowering day of lectures, selecting 5 talks to attend, from a choice of over 20 speakers across the day.

Summer Term 2023

Academic Symposium

7 June 2023 – 16:00-18:00

Students research and prepare an academic paper on a topic of their choice over the course of the term, then deliver a 5-minute lecture to an audience of their peers

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