10 minute read

Thankfulness The Eloists from Radiance (1983-1999)

flows the spirit of the Eloists. It is an expression of Light, and speaks with the Voice of the Living Spirit as It has come to be known through the Eloist family.

'Eloist' means a 'doer of the Creator's will.' The objective of Radiance is not so much to educate as it is to strike a keynote or set a tone that will help the reader to become attuned to 'the realm of thought in which angels dwell,' and in that harmony to learn how to rise in spirit to embrace a


Radiance, a publication of The Eloists, a religious non-profit organization, incorporated in 1918. Radiance has currently ceased publication but back issues are available at a reasonable cost. Other inspirational writings are in the process of being prepared for publication. Please direct back issue requests to: theeloists@gmail.com


We know that by passing out of the body, we are not changed. We go on being the same kind of person we were while in the body. If we are unhappy now, it behooves us to change ourselves now; for it is easier to do it while in the body. We must not voice the thoughts of darkness. If we do, we are creating further bondage for ourselves. It seems ridiculous to say we thank the Creator for our pains. But if we say it and mean it, we are helping ourselves greatly. We know by years of experience that we can lift ourselves up by means of affirmations. We affirm the Creator's Presence with us, not just for self, but for the good of all. We can be thankful that the Creator has given us pain as well as pleasure. The pain of others, as well as our own pain, drives us to become more and more attuned with Him. Affirm: I am not defeated by pain. Nothing can defeat me. I am strong in will to serve the Creator's purpose. A GOLD MINE OF RESOURCES

How are you today? Do you take the time to assess your state of being? People are aware of their mood, but do not often run a ''positive check through" of their whole person.

In other words, take the time to tune in to your corporeal form, spiritual outlook, mental and emotional attitudes, and then acknowledge what is working well. We may take these things for granted, but such an assessment could easily lead to gratitude.

The Ever-Present gives us so many gifts, yet we sporadically say thank you for only some of them. We can supplement our prayers with phrases of thanksgiving which are specific and meaningful to our present condition. In doing so, we will become aware of what to do next to improve ourselves. We will also begin to see more clearly how we can make better use of the corporeal, mental and emotional tools we already have. We are literally "sitting on a gold mine" of resources which can serve our development. Self-awareness and humble thanks allow these resources to come to light. Once our gifts are clarified, we have the opportunity to make them truly alive.


What does one feel when happy, O Creator? What is happiness? Is it describable? The ever-changing preferences and fads of society have defined happiness as something composed of many different things; and always, it is dependent upon some material possession or circumstance. Goodwill, beauty and perfection around give happiness. Recreation is a source of happiness. But none of these things is happiness itself. It seems to us that being childlike is one of the chief characteristics of happiness. It is loving or praising someone, having faith and hope, and being charitable, thankful, kind and compassionate. It is giving help and upliftment, lightening someone's burden, and seeing the good in all things. Our words fall short of describing it. Is it not more an awareness of Thy Presence and an attunement with Thee, O Jehovih, than anything else? If we would find lasting happiness, secure from within, we must strive for oneness with Thee. This is something anyone can do, regardless of circumstances. Happiness is a gift from Thee, in seed form. It must be cultivated and developed. The best way we know is to practice giving forth Thy Love, to praise Thee, to see the good in all people and things, and to serve Thee in everything we do. Happiness is in finding and expressing one's true being. It should not be a goal in itself. But it is Thy intention, O Creator, that all should have it; and that all should work together to attain it for the whole of humanity.



We have a tendency to lecture ourselves and others, and philosophize about life, and to put into words the way we feel about everything. Is this good? By writing or speaking our thoughts, are we accomplishing anything worthwhile?

Perhaps what we say isn't so important as the fact that we are exercising certain faculties, and keeping the mind on a constructive level. We are giving strength to the soul's purpose, and lessening the control of darkness. Of course, we should be careful not to bore or annoy others with our opinions or realizations. People respond more to gentleness, kindliness and goodwill, than to words. Also, they respond to the practice of good works. We must learn to put the higher qualities into our words if we would have them be effective for good. Our purpose, O Creator, is to help uplift others and thus to serve and glorify Thee. We would rather keep our tongues quiet, and never reveal a word of Thy inspiration upon us, or express a personal opinion, if, in the process, we leave the impression that we consider our light to be above that of any other. But, after all, should we plan in advance what we will or will not do? It seems better that we should learn to live more from Thy inspiration of the moment.

Is it not better, always, O Creator, to praise Thee praise others, praise life; and be thankful, happy, kind, gentle and willing to serve, than to be forever reasoning and philosophizing about everything? Reason and philosophy have a place in life, no doubt, but we are seeking the way to help uplift our family, friends and neighbors.

Once in a while, words will ring a bell with someone, and help them find the answer to something they are seeking. In our own search words have helped us greatly, especially those in Oahspe, and the words of our founder, Walter DeVoe. If he had expressed kindliness only, without words, without explanation, we would not have responded as well as we did. Oahspe has been invaluable in opening up our consciousness and giving us understanding. If we accept the truth of the statement in Oahspe that "an opinion is not Light," we should bear this in mind when we put our thoughts into words. Words are truly like seeds that, when implanted in a person's consciousness, where there is fertility through a person's searching, can grow to become priceless realizations. This has happened to us. There is the possibility that it can happen to others whom we can reach with words.

The following uses of words can be beneficial:

To speak words of praise and thankfulness to the Almighty.

To affirm one's faith in the Creator, and one's love for the


I thank Thee, O Creator, for giving me Intelligence. I can reason about life and its meaning. I can discriminate between right and wrong, and use good judgment in the handling of my affairs. I can learn from the written and spoken word, and acquire a storehouse of knowledge for use in serving Thee. I can develop wisdom from experience, and grow to be godlike.

I thank Thee for giving me Will Power. I can I regulate and discipline my life. I can conquer the darkness of my lesser self. I can sustain awareness and attunement with Thee, and apply my talents and powers to the fulfillment of Thy Purpose.

I thank Thee for giving me Love. I can think loving thoughts, generate kindly feelings, and help create peace and happiness in my world. I can be compassionate toward those who suffer. With "pity, gentle words, and the example

Thank Thee, Jehovih, for the Light Thou hast brought into our consciousness. It is enabling us to free our souls from the darkness of the world, and to develop the ability to live and serve divinely, so as to be an inspiration to others. We know we are not entirely free, but we see that we can never give ourselves to darkness as we did in the past, and as so many are doing in the world. We give ourselves to Thee. We would make Thee our Leader and Ruler. When we err, we are willing to be corrected. Thou alone art the deep and powerful force in us, supreme and ever victorious. Thou art the Overseer making Thy Presence felt, by Whom we are corrected when we are wrong. For Thou hast a purpose in our lives which cannot be denied. This purpose is powerful over every consideration of self. It dominates! Every lesser thing must give way before it. The self is resistant and aroused in opposition at times; but it never wins. It surrenders to Thee, O Creator; for it sees that even itself is a part of Thy Tree of Life, the green fruit which must grow to perfection.


Creator, I am here to do Thy will, to further Thy purpose, to radiate Thy love. I have faith that Thou art supporting and inspiring me. Since I want to practice peace and goodwill, and do good for others, who else would inspire me but Thee or Thy angels. If I were not being so inspired, I would be very selfish, and even mean or hateful. I would be one with the mass mind of the world, subject to all the world's darkness and misery. Therefore, I praise and thank Thee and Thy angels. I wish to make myself available to Thee for whatever work can be accomplished through me. I am happy that I am affiliated with others of like purpose. It is a great privilege to sit in council with them and to work with them. To the non-Faithist, our work seems dull and worthless. But it is truly interesting and beneficial. Great beings of ages of experience, wise and powerful, god-like in stature, are working with us and through us. Could we see them, we would be awed by their brilliance, their beauty, their majesty and power. These mighty beings look upon us with love, as though we were their children. They do all they can to help us grow. Let us praise and thank them, and give them our faith and love.


Thank Thee for this day, O Creator, and for its opportunities for experience. Thank Thee for the liberty to choose our own way. We cannot always choose the kind of experiences we want, but we can learn to govern our reactions, and keep them constructive, and in this way be the choosers, and gain control over our lives. Thank thee for the clarity of our perception which enables us to make a wise choice of direction. We are the choosers and the doers; and yet Thou art the inspiration, the will, the love that is behind our effort, and behind all the energies and faculties we use. Thou art the Instigator Who makes our lives what they are; the Planner Who has designed our destinies. To Thee we owe our existence: what we are, what we have, and what we accomplish. The joy of living which comes when we liberate ourselves from self is Thy greatest gift, the most wonderful human quality, and most worthwhile individual attainment. It is a continuously flowing fountain of delight springing forth from the limitless depths of Thy Being in us, expanding outward to inspire, strengthen and uplift all who come after us in the grades of soul progression.


Waves of peace and love wash over you today and every day of your life! Whenever you are troubled, imagine the sparkling water washing over you, rinsing off all the impurities from your body and soul, leaving you sparkling clean. Imagine the myriad angels working alongside you, helping to lift up all darkness into their radiant light. Imagine dark tormented souls emerging from pitch black prisons which they have created themselves, bursting into songs of praise and smiles. What wonderful gifts our Creator has bestowed on us. Yet many of us do not even realize that these gifts exist until we pass over into the spiritual worlds. You are aware of the many wondrous happenings in your daily life, and should take time each day to reflect on things spiritual, and must take time each day to communicate with your inner self. For you can only grow spiritually if you are in touch daily with the All One. Growth does not come easily to anyone. It requires dedication, effort and perseverance on your part. You all have these qualities. Let these qualities bring out the best in you to glorify the One that created us all!


We don’t realize the greatness of the work being done through us. We ought to be thankful and joyful every moment. Are we capable, O Creator, of a full realization of the glory being brought to earth through thousands of mortals cooperating with Thy Angel Hosts? It is a wonderful thing that we are part of Jehovih’s Being, and can draw upon unlimited energy for doing the work we are here to do. As we go about our daily activities, we ought to remind ourselves often that we are important instruments for bringing the Higher Light into the mortal world. Any moment of the day that we wish to be used in the work of the Angels, we can be used. All it takes is for us to turn our thoughts in that direction. Affirm that it is so, and it will be so. The angels take advantage of our every good thought for using us in service to Jehovih.


You can count on the Creator's angel hosts. We stand ready to help you overcome obstacles at all times. We are all in this work for Jehovih together. We have watched your progression, your ups and downs, for as long as the spark within you has come alive with the purpose to do the Creator's will. You were born to be the Ever-Present's instruments. Circumstances led you to find the way out of darkness. All your experiences have led you to the EverPresent's light and love. You still have to keep yourself in check. The angels do not do all the work and solve your problems for you. It is not always "God's will" that this and that happen. It is up to the Creator's children to stand firmly and positively in the light and let nothing interfere with the purpose to be an instrument of love, harmony and goodwill for all. What a wonderful opportunity for a soul on earth to walk in the light now with angelic beings as companions in Jehovih's divine plan for all. Try to be thankful for your many blessings. A grateful feeling will help you overcome the negative thoughts that would hide the light. You are Jehovih's children, chosen to help lift souls out of darkness and suffering into realms of light and love. Go forward in faith.