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On Friday, June 16, 2023, the RM of Ste. Anne hosted roughly 150 delegates from the region at the Richer Young at Hearts’ Club. These elected officials and administrators from various Municipal governments gathered to discuss matters that affect our region, and municipalities in general.


The morning started by having the national anthem sung by children from our Richer School, followed by

Plumbing Mechanical Inc., Diamond Construction, Oakwood Golf Course and Campground, Girouxsalem Golf and Country Club, and Ridgewood South Golf Course and Campground.

The RM staff also put together gift bags and door prizes for the guests, all featuring the wonders that the RM of Ste. Anne has to offer.

Following the morning’s speeches and presentations, lunch was catered by the Richer Inn’s Lagimodiere restaurant with great success. The afternoon session included the elected officials voting on actions to be taken, such as lobbying efforts with the Province of Manitoba on various matters.

Along with these lobbying efforts, the Association of Manitoba Municipalities’ mandate is to provide strong leadership and support to all Manitoba Municipalities and their Councils.

Several Trainings occurred in the last few months for members of the Richer Fire Department. In addition to an internal traffic control training day, 16 members of the Richer Fire Department receivededge and kits to prevent an opioid overdose. The program provided information on how to recognize an opioid overdose, administerrive. Individuals who completed the training program received a

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