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TSR Parts Inc

TSR Parts Inc. is a family owned/operated business located in Colgate, ND. The TSR Straw Chopper developed from a need for service parts for John Deere combines. TSR takes great pride in their work and do their best to have complete satisfaction from all their customers. All their products are Made in the USA. TSR product adds both value and increased productivity to every farm operation. TSR has a complete line of replacement units and component parts that have evolved to now include the current line of John Deere STS combines. TSR expanded line also includes complete units and component parts to fit Case IH Axial Flow combines and hydraulic cylinder depth stops. These lines are now available to the worldwide markets. If residue management has been an issue in the past, the addition of a complete TSR fine chop straw chopper or updating your factory straw chopper with TSR component parts, is the solution. If you had to purchase a separate piece of equipment to deal with residue that pulled behind your tractor, there would be additional passes over the fields. The TSR fine chop straw chopper will minimize the need for additional tillage after harvest due to the chopper’s ability to shred residue very fine, saving both time and money. Utilizing the fine chop straw chopper makes for an ideal planting bed for those farmers practicing no-till conservation planting methods. TSR works hard to make every part of their product top of the line in both function and workmanship. All TSR products carry a 1 year warranty on their parts against any defects. Take a look at their full line of products online at www.tsrparts.com