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Fostering agency at the heart of the legal system

RQI conducted online training with the Legal Services Corporation, a federally funded organization that promotes equal access to justice for low-income Americans.

The Law Firm Antiracism Alliance, which works to “identify and dismantle structural and systemic racism in the law,” invited RQI to present to a group that focuses on access to justice issues.


Momentum WORK, Inc., a service provider for people with disabilities, created a series of eight animated videos featuring RQI strategies and resources to give transition age youth with disabilities access to skills for self-advocacy.

RQI’s Legal Empowerment Program reaches professionals who work at the heart of the legal system and adjacent fields — equipping clients with powerful skills for navigating systems and advocating for themselves and their families.

The Legal Empowerment Program hosted a lineup of webinars, attracting public defenders, youth advocates, adult educators, disability rights activists, and legal service providers.

With the Connecticut Division of Public Defenders, RQI trained specialists working in juvenile delinquency and child neglect cases.

RQI presented at the annual conference of the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates, which fights for the civil and legal rights of students with disabilities.