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Israel creates indelible impression on first-time visitor

By Aliza Schebovitz

My name is Aliza Schebovitz and I am an eighth-grade student at Brandeis Hebrew Academy in Lawrence. This year, our eighth grade visited Israel for two weeks in February. This was my first time in Israel, and it was an experience I will not forget.

Israel means a lot to my family for several reasons. My dad was born in Israel, and I have family in Israel from both my mom and dad’s side. This made my experience even more special because I was finally able to visit the place my dad has always talked about.

When we landed, I immediately noticed the incredible scenery. From the beautiful waters and the lights in Tel Aviv, to the old city of Jerusalem, I could not believe my eyes everywhere I looked.

When we visited the Kotel (the Western Wall) and I got to pray, it made me feel closer to Hashem (God) because I got to pray in one of the holiest places in Israel, and it was an amazing experience. I also loved going to the Dead Sea. It was so much fun to put mud all over my arms and legs and float in the water.

I also really enjoyed the food in Israel. You can have sweet, sour and spicy food all at once. One of my favorite dishes was the Kubbeh soup, which is a delicious soup with a ball of dough filled with meat. The food I ate was so amazing that I asked my mom to get the recipes and make them for me when I returned home.

For the first time ever, I had chocolate milk in a bag, and it was amazing! My friends who went to Israel always talked about this drink and I was so excited to try it. The people of Israel were so welcoming and kind. They were very approaching — and even if they did not know you, they treated you like a friend. Even when I was homesick, Israel felt like my second home. It really felt like everyone was mishpacha (family).

Being in Israel was an experience I will always remember. I am so thankful that I was able to go with my friends, and that Brandeis Hebrew Academy took me on a trip of a lifetime.