7 minute read

Richard House Friends of the Freemasons

It’s never fun to think about our own mortality, yet one third of adults in the UK die every year without having made a will – known as dying intestate. If you die intestate, a set of inflexible rules dictates how your estate will be distributed and to whom. You’ve worked so hard during your life to attain the savings, property and belongings that represent your personal wealth – why would you not want to decide who gets what after you’re gone? Under intestacy rules, any unmarried partners or stepchildren are ignored, regardless of how loving or long the relationship may have been. Even if you plan to leave everything to your spouse, without a will, your loved one becomes responsible for attaining ‘grants of letters of administration’ via the probate registry, which involves an interview and a great deal of bureaucratic form-filling. Not only will this process delay the release of funds, it is also likely to place added strain on your loved one. It might also be useful to know that if you leave at least 10 per cent of your taxable estate to charity, you could reduce any inheritance tax liability against your estate, but you can’t leave a gift to charity without a will. Mark*, a Freemason, recently decided to leave a gift to Richard House Children’s Hospice in his will after learning first-hand the life-changing difference the charity can make for those facing difficulty. ‘ Richard House has been a comforting support for many children and their families. I owe a lot to my brethren for their guidance and endless support during periods of difficulty. I have been a Freemason for a number of years, and the impact that my own lodge has had on the lives of seriously ill children across London meant I personally wanted to give back in any way I could. I decided to leave a legacy to Richard House, to show my children that there are more important things in life than our own wants and needs –helping to provide stability for disadvantaged or vulnerable members of society is one of them. My advice to those considering leaving a legacy to Richard House is to make sure your family will be provided for first, then think of how you could benefit the lives of those less fortunate than yourselves, both now and in the future. Leaving a gift to Richard House can help support families long into the future, adapting to any new challenges that they may face. You'll help create a future that's kinder to some of the most vulnerable in society.’

If you are interested in using the free Will writing service please call 020 7511 0222, email fundraising@richardhouse.org.uk or visit richardhouse.org.uk/support-us/legacy


Mark Masons Benevolent Fund London

Tom Quinn, Provincial Grand Master, invited two representatives from Richard House as his guests to The Mark Province of London's Annual Banquet in order to present a cheque for £30,000.

Members across London and Middlesex voted for Richard House to receive a slice of a £1.25 million raised and distributed to hospices across England and Wales in memory of HRH Prince Philip the Duke of Edinburgh.

We would like to pass on our sincere thanks for the invitation to attend the Mark Mason London Provence banquet to accept this cheque. It’s because of people like you choosing to nominate us at your meetings, because of organisations like Freemasonry choosing to support us, that we have managed to survive the last 18 months. Although national restrictions have lifted, Richard House still faces an uncertain future. We now believe that this year may be more of a struggle for raising funds than last, with emergency funding grants and government COVID support no longer available.

So, when you look back on this donation, don’t think of your support as just a cheque ….

Think of it as helping a father get a good night’s sleep. Think of it as giving a mother the confidence to look after her child. And, most importantly, think of it as helping a vulnerable child and their family enjoy what time they have left.

It was an honour to be in attendance to thank you all in person. When COVID allows, I look forward to welcoming you to Richard House to meet some of the wonderful families and nurses that you’ve helped first hand.

Freemasons from across London and Essex joined Richard House for a virtual update!

Charity is at the heart of Freemasonry, and this was displayed when Freemasons from across London and Essex joined a virtual presentation by members of the Richard House Children's Hospice team that explored the impact of their support for the hospice throughout the pandemic. Chris Williams, Head of Community & Events, opened the evening by describing how Masonic contributions have enabled practical support for the Richard House community throughout the pandemic. He gave an example of Freemasonry in the community, talking about the continuing successful work of the Mark Masons, Masonic Charitable Foundation and the many Lodges and Chapters who support Richard House. Whilst, funds are usually raised at meetings or through specially organised events, Covid-19 didn’t dampen spirits with Freemasons’ charity work not just in the form of money, but also members giving their time and their skills. Earlier in 2020, the Freemasons sourced and delivered vital PPE, providing a lifeline for the hospice during some of the darkest days of the pandemic. During the evening, guests were updated by members of the Richard House team who have been on the ground throughout the last year - giving a real insight to the challenges faced and overcome. Modupe Banks, Senior Outreach Palliative Care nurse, talked about some of the ways she and her team responded to the challenge. Modupe went on to explain that the team were all working together to make a safe and happy environment, ensuring we were there for each other, with small gestures such as making a cuppa, lending an ear to someone who needs to voice their worries or by offering lifts to staff members who rely on public transport. Trish McInerney, Volunteers Coordinator, also shared insights into the work being done on site despite many obstacles. She emphasised the generosity of Richard House’s supporters and how, even during the toughest times, the team are uplifted by the knowledge that so many in the community are willing to give their time and financial support to make sure the hospice can continue to deliver the care and support so many families depend on. Thank you to all who attended our first Friends of the Freemasons event. Richard House is committed to continuing its collaboration with the Masonic community to create a lasting legacy. We are extremely grateful to have such strong support through what has been one of our toughest times. The generosity has meant we can keep on providing the best possible care to life-limited children in the community.

“Richard House had an important role supporting the NHS during the last 12 months - taking on children with long-term conditions from hospital wards, so that we could free up hospital beds for people who need critical care.”

Freemason support has ensured our vital work has continued throughout the pandemic enabling us to achieve some incredible milestones. With special thanks to*… Mark Masons Benevolent Fund London Mark Provincial Grand Lodge Middlesex Mark Provincial Grand Lodge St. John's Lodge no.167 Granite Chapter no.1328 Guildhall School Of Music Chapter no.2454 Loyal Duchess of Kent Lodge no.3963 Earl of Zetland Chapter no.1364 Mill Hill Mark Lodge no.883 Star Mark Lodge no.499 Old Kent Mark Lodge no.9004 Khalsa Mark Lodge no.2022 Aegean Mark Lodge no.1978 Highgate Mark Lodge no.1909 Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge no.1870 Orchestral Mark Lodge no.1534 Semper Fidelis Mark Lodge no.1473 Woodard Mark Lodge no.1265 Halcyon Mark Lodge no.1118 Isma Mark Lodge no.996 Johann Gutenberg Mark Lodge no.976 Meridian Mark Lodge no.936 Pruedence & Verity Mark Lodge no.932 Irenic Mark Lodge no.899 King Solomon's Quarries Mark Lodge no.828 FitzRoy Mark Lodge no.815 Sanitarian Mark Lodge no.786 Imperial Mark Lodge no.643 United Service Mark Lodge no.489 Tuscan Mark Lodge no.454 Camden Mark Lodge no.418 Ubique Mark Lodge no.411 Egerton of Tatton Mark Lodge no.400 Ruspini Mark Lodge no.363 Henniker Mark Lodge no.315 The Macdonald Mark Lodge no.104 Lodge of Hope no.7152 Borough of Newham Lodge no.8627 Rupert Patterson Lodge no.3646 City Guilds Chapter no.4256 Wanstead Chapter no.3524 Clerkenwell Lodge of Installed Masters no.9628 Crest of Mount Edgcumbe Lodge no.7431 United Mariners Lodge no.30 Australia Chapter St Mark's College Lodge no.2157 Guildhall School of Music Chapter no.2454 *at time of printing.

270+ families supported through Masonic funding

27 Lodges supported Richard House for the first time

11 talks given to the Masonic Community (via Zoom)

47 Lodges supported Richard House in 2021

The Masonic Charitable Foundation funded 15+ hours of care

Over £44,000 raised from the Masonic Community

113 freemasons received the ‘Friends of the Freemasons’ mailing

300+ pieces of PPE provided by the Masonic Community