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VoR Carriage No.4

With the completion of the rebuild of our two first class carriages, the next job for our master carpenters is the overhaul of five of our closed carriages starting with No.4 with No.s 1, 2, 3, & 6 to follow.

The work includes a chassis and bodywork overhaul where the carriage body is lifted from the chassis. It is the first time since they were built in 1938 that such an extensive overhaul has been conducted.

So far the chassis has been sand blasted and inspected before reassembly and will receive new sole plates and new flooring among other work.

The body has had over 3,600 screws removed with each hole being filled with dowel rod. Each of the six doors have also had the same treatment with a further 250 holes on each door to fill and over 700ft of wooden dowel used to complete this time consuming job.