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CAPTAIN’S FAREWELL Round-up from the School Captain

CAPTAIN’S farewell

As my time at the RGS draws to a close, it is a privilege to write the final farewells and reflect on what has been an incredible past seven years.

As School Captain, I have been in a unique position of intermediary between students and staff. The responsibility has provided me with an insightful outlook into how much work goes into every decision from teaching, music and sports to pastoral care and the rest of daily school life. I will miss the school’s deep-rooted sense of community, the teachers’ outstanding abilities to convey their knowledge, and the countless opportunities presented to us along the way. Seeing the positive attitude of the boys, not just towards their endeavours but towards one other, is something truly great about the ethos at the RGS, and I feel lucky to be part of such a motivated, inspirational community.

Every moment serving as School Captain has been a great honour, and I would like to thank Dr Cox for appointing me to the role. Likewise, I owe a great debt of gratitude to my trustworthy Senior Prefect team. Their continued support and dependability were appreciated immeasurably, whether it was stepping in last minute to give a reflection in assembly or touring guests’ and Governors’ on a Thursday evening. I would like to thank them for their service, carrying out their duties and creative ideas which contributed to our success as a team. They were impeccable role models and set the highest standards for the rest of the boys at the school. In particular, I would like to thank Tom Wright, Matt Shaw and Dilan Patel for their efforts and commitment throughout the year which made the year run smoothly. The invariable dedication of the whole team is greatly appreciated, and it will be a tough act to follow.

I would also like to thank the Senior Management Team. Mr Woodman and Mr Williams, for your invaluable guidance and support over the last year. Mr Gough and Mr Lythgoe for organising the weekly leadership sessions, which were immensely valuable, not only in aiding our personal development and growth, but also to excel within our roles as Senior Prefects. Thanks must also go to Mr Pressley and Mr Dunscombe for their words of advice: always willing to guide us and lend a hand when needed.

To Louis, the new School Captain, I wish you and your team the very best of luck in leading the school - you will do an amazing job.

As I reach the end of my time at the RGS, a part of me looks forward to new beginnings and starting university, but another part of me never wants to leave! I am so grateful for all the school has done in preparing us for the next stage in our lives, providing us with the foundation and skills to achieve our ambitions.

To my fellow 2022 leavers, it has been a great pleasure to have been through the school alongside each and every one of you. I wish you the best for the next chapter in your lives and look forward to staying connected with you all as we transition to becoming Old Guildfordians.

Ishan Nathan - School Captain 2022

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