3 minute read

Twyford Together news

by Rob Yeadon, Twyford Together Chairman

The colourful umbrellas are back!


Thanks again to Nick Wheeler of NW Property Maintenance for the expert installation of the umbrellas provided by Benedict Charles Financial Planning.

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee

Thanks to Ian and Sue Wisdom of Twyford Beer Festival for providing the facilities and hosting some brilliant events over the extended Jubilee holiday in early June. Ian set up the Beer Festival site a week early so that other events could be put on. Fantastic!

The Fearlessly Odd Festival kicked things off on the Thursday, which was terrific fun: great work from joint organisers Sabrina Findlay of Music Made Fearless and Jack Trimble of Oddbody Tattoo Studio.

Big thanks also to Emma Saville for providing scones, cakes, and strawberries and cream on both Friday and Saturday.

The Street Party in The Park on Saturday was a big success, blessed with glorious weather. Thanks to Boxset for some great live music – also to DJ Wizz for reminding us about gold lamé!

So many people worked hard behind the scenes to make all the events happen – too many people to mention, but thank you all. Finally, thanks to everyone who came along: you made it all worthwhile.

Summer events

The last Sunday in June saw the first Gordon Storey Memorial 5-A-Side Football Tournament at King George V Field. My thanks to Lisa Fouweather of Kitchen & Bathroom Place and Kurt Charge of Twyford Comets for putting this event together, and all those who volunteered and took part on the day.

On Monday 11 August we will be holding the first meeting after a long break of the Twyford Together Business Forum. This is an informal event open to all Twyford-connected businesses, retailers, charities and community clubs. Just come along to Buratta’s for a 5.30pm start.

There’ll be a short but interesting talk on the Dark Web and how to protect data, and plenty of time for networking.

There’s no cost other than buying your own drinks, but please bring some cash in order to make a donation towards the cost of the food laid on by Buratta’s.

Looking further ahead, we’re delighted to confirm that the Twyford Together Charity 5k and Fun Run will return on Sunday 9 October – save the date!

Also this autumn we will be bringing back the Twyford Together Community Awards, so watch this space!

In the meantime, enjoy the summer, folks.

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