How BG Be Active Expanded Their Reach and Increased Engagement using Issuu

Industry: Nonprofit

Organization Size: 10

Location: Bulgaria

Meet BG Be Active

BG Be Active is a non-governmental organization that has been creating social projects in Bulgaria for the past 12 years. While placemaking – the process of planning, designing, and managing public spaces – is their primary focus, their work extends to two dimensions: physical well-being, which is used to promote grassroots sports to the Bulgarian public, and environmental awareness. This two-pronged approach has given rise to the organization's name, highlighting the importance of being both physically and socially active in order to shape the community.

One of the organization's flagship initiatives is Placemaking for Democracy, a project that seeks to activate communities through placemaking in public spaces. The mission is to create spaces that people can take ownership of and use as a way to connect with their community and participate in public life. The project requires significant effort and investment, and BG Be Active has been working to create tools to facilitate community participation and engagement.

Amplifying their message online is no easy task. With Issuu’s user-friendly platform at the core of their workflow, however, BG Be Active is able to reach a wider audience and increase awareness by transforming their static documents into highly engaging and interactive digital content for every channel.

"Issuu makes our assets more visually appealing and attractive for both our community and our network of European partners. The platform also allows us to reach a bigger audience and effectively measure our impact.”

- Vlad Fedorov, Project Manager at BG Be Active

Content Marketing Challenges

With a small team, BG Be Active faced a number of challenges when it came to content marketing. In late 2022, they started acknowledging one of the main issues. 

There was no way of tracking who was engaging with their materials and how readers were interacting with them. Burdensome solutions, such as uploading content to Dropbox or Google Drive and then manually sharing the link with intended parties, were just not cutting it. 

After researching available products, the team decided to use Issuu’s platform to be the perfect digital solution that easily met their content marketing needs.

Cover of How to Utilize Placemaking for Active Recreation Approach by BG Be Active

An Engaging Solution

In BG Be Active’s search for a digital solution that could transform static documents into dynamic, professional-looking reading experiences, Issuu was the easiest and most obvious choice.

The team quickly realized that Issuu's interactive and user-friendly platform would help amplify their cause across multiple channels while also enabling them to create engaging content that would effectively communicate their vision to the public.

With Issuu’s powerful range of top-notch features, BG Be Active has been creating and sharing dynamic assets that captivate their audience and communicate their mission in a clear and professional format. With each project blooming with interactivity and eye-catching elements, it’s never been easier for BG Be Active’s readers to navigate and interact with their content, resulting in a more immersive and memorable experience with every page turn.

Cover of Placemaking for Active Recreation Approach by BG Be Active

"Our readers’ feedback is quite positive. They think our Issuu assets are engaging and professional, and they really enjoy interacting with them.”

- Vlad Fedorov, Project Manager at BG Be Active

Key Results

As a result of using Issuu's all-in-one digital content transformation and publishing platform, BG Be Active has not only elevated their content marketing efforts but also expanded their reach and increased audience engagement across all of their channels. The platform's capabilities have enabled the team to create impactful content that is both informative and inspiring, generating interest and encouraging more people to get involved with their cause.

That’s not all. Using Issuu’s built-in Statistics feature, BG Be Active team is able to track their content's performance, including how many people have viewed it, how long they spent reading it, and where they are located. This insightful data is essential in measuring the success of their content marketing efforts and fine-tuning their approach in order to reach the right audience.

With no-code Embedding and interactive Links under the team’s belt, BG Be Active is able to supercharge their digital marketing strategy by effortlessly delivering impact with inspiring and motivating flipbooks.

Thanks to newfound interactive capabilities of Issuu’s platform, the nonprofit was able to improve their digital content marketing performance and massively amplify their mission in the process – all within only half a year of using Issuu.

Ready to raise awareness for your cause the digital way?

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