1 minute read

The Town Plan

The Eynesbury Masterplan has been designed under the principles of ‘New Urbanism’. This is a philosophy that promotes the creation of self-sustaining, integrated town environments as an antidote to placeless urban sprawl. New Urbanism promotes:

WALKABILITY • Most key areas are within a 10-minute walk of home or work


CONNECTIVITY • An interconnected street grid network that disperses traffic and eases walking

MIXED USE AND DIVERSITY • A mix of shops, offices, apartments and homes on the one site. Mixed use throughout neighbourhoods, within blocks and within buildings

MIXED HOUSING • A range of types and sizes available within a compact area.

QUALITY ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN • Emphasis on beauty, aesthetic quality, human comfort and creating a sense of place. Design that is derived from the local designs, that builds on and advances the best of this tradition.

TRADITIONAL NEIGHBOURHOOD STRUCTURE • Higher density of development towards the centre of the town, with lower density at the edges. A clear centre and edge to each precinct. • Use of public spaces such as gardens and squares at the centre of precincts, providing a both a visual focus, and a centre for community activities.

SMART TRANSPORTATION OPTIONS • Provision of a network of roads, bicycle paths and footways to allow a choice of transport modes and easy and safe communication between precincts. • Town Centre areas set up to encourage foot traffic and reduce impact of vehicles. • Extensive footways and bicycle paths between residential precincts and town centre and recreation areas. • Ready access to public transport.

SUSTAINABILITY • Eco friendly technologies, including water recycling • High levels of energy efficiency including a 6-star energy rating for housing • Less use of fossil fuels • More walking and cycling possible, less driving required.