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Approval of the minutes of the last AGM held on 13th November 2010.

Executive Committee President: David Pepper (Hall 1953) President Elect: Charles Fry (Hall 1953) Vice President: Robert A. Holroyd – Headmaster Chairman: James M. Ross (Hall 1968) Treasurer: John S. Wallis (Latham 1971) Governors’ Representative: Robert M. Kirkland (Orchard 1959) Secretary: Mike Stones (Staff) Assistant Secretary: Jan Cobb (Staff) Elected Committee Members

Nicholas R.S. Smith (Brook 1969) – Appointed 2010 Simon J. Oborn (Orchard 1989) – Appointed 2009 James T. Leavesley (New 1975) – Appointed 2009 J.M. Guy Levesley (Hall 1975) – Appointed 2009 Sarah R.E. Taylor (Field 1998) – Appointed 2008 Louise P. Howarth (Garden 1996) – Appointed 2007 Paul A. Windridge (Priory 1969) – Appointed 2006 Adam M. Sinclair (Latham 1978) – Appointed 2006 John F.M. Walker (Hall 1946 and ex Staff) – Life Member

Ex Officio Members

Simon D. Armstrong (Cross 1963) – Lancs & Cheshire Sanjiv Basu (Orchard 1989) – Fives Anthony E. Bishop (Priory 1972) – Golf Society Hamer J.E. Boot (School 1995) – Football Club Martin G. Grayshon (Cross 1961) – Yorkshire Charles Michael Keep (Orchard 1969 & Staff) – Hockey Club Nicholas Peter Le Poidevin (Cross 1964) – Law Society Richard C.E. Lowther (Brook 1985) – Tennis Club Thomas Richard Pepper (Hall 1949) – Midlands Francis W.S. Russell (Orchard 1969) – Pilgrims John F.R. Hird ( Priory 1960) – Masonic Lodge Cathy Twigg – Marketing & Development Director Having not contributed to the last edition of The Arch I’m delighted to be able to write a few words regarding recent events involving the OR Society. Before doing so I would like very much to add my congratulations to all involved with the outstanding A Level and GCSE results that have been achieved this year coupled with fourteen Oxbridge acceptances. The Headmaster gives a full summary on the Repton School website.

The Old Reptonian Society The Hall, Repton School Repton, Derbyshire DE65 6FH Tel. 01283 559320 Email: jcobb@repton.org.uk / or@repton.org.uk Website: www.orsociety.com School website: www.repton.org.uk Editorial Team: Mike Stones & Jan Cobb

DEADLINE for articles for the next edition (May 2012) is March 31st 2012

Front Cover: The new 400 Hall Back Cover: The Garth, Leavers 2011 A Hall House contemporary, Michael Li (H’64) and his wife Tina, organise what has become an established informal annual event of lunch at The Staff of Life in Ticknall with Michael Charlesworth (O’41), John Walker (H’46), Roger Green (H’64), Charlie Edmondson-Jones (H’65), Nicol Stenhouse (H’65) amongst others. Prior to this year’s gathering we were given a passionate and enthusiastic tour of the refurbished 400 Hall by Guy Levesley (H’75) current member of staff and Head of Drama Productions. How fortunate are pupils to have not only a fantastic facility but staff to match. I strongly recommend that if you have the opportunity a visit is a must and appropriately there is a part of the building named in honour of Michael Charlesworth. The building has become a magnificent playhouse with state of the art facilities. Wisely specialist architects were appointed and consultation with renowned theatres formed part of the process to ensure a not inconsiderable sum of money was invested to the best possible advantage. I suspect it unlikely that few other schools can match the 400 Hall in its reincarnation. There is also a surprise on inspection for those of us that did our French O Level oral exam in what was the OR Society room. The next piece in the jigsaw is I understand to be the building of the Science Priory to be located on the Headmaster’s Field between Chapel Hall and the Sports Hall. Historically the Headmaster has grazing rights on this piece of land and he will be forgoing the potential of a meagre stipend in his desire to drive this scheme forward at the earliest opportunity. As with the 400 Hall significant investment is required and fund raising is underway. To assist in this process Tony Bishop (P’72) current secretary of the OR Golf Society pledged to the Headmaster and Governors the organisation of a fund raising event. This on June 19th took the form of the “Longest Day Golf Challenge” at Little Aston Golf Club. Six OR golfers together with the President and Chairman of the OR Society assembled at 4.15am on a Sunday morning on the club car park with a tee off time of 4.45am to enable five rounds to be played. The event finished at 7.50pm and the participants are to be thanked for their skill and endurance. David Pepper (H’53) our President and club member attended throughout ensuring the team was fed, watered and had needs met. Bob Kirkland (O’59), Chairman of the Foundation, also appeared and as Chairman I can report that I caddied for the first three rounds. If nothing else as a high handicapper it has enabled me to explore all corners of the course prior to the Three Presidents event (details elsewhere in this publication) on November 13th. Tony Bishop is to be congratulated for his initiative and the occasion also enabled him to at last seek redemption for the Kipp’s Apparatus that he blew up in 1973. As always I look forward to the coming year of events and the opportunity in what is to be my last year as Chairman in catching up on times past and present with fellow ORs.

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