4 minute read

Boys’ 1st XI v Wolverhampton GS Centenary Lecture, John Golding: ‘War Poetry: The Line of Duty’ , Pears School, 7.30 pm


The Annual dinner and AGM will be held on Saturday November 8th 2014 in Pears School. The cost of the ticket is £43.00 per person and for those ORs who left the school within the last ten years the cost is reduced by £10.00; therefore if you left the school in 2004 or after the cost is just £33.00.

The cost of the ticket includes pre-dinner drinks and a three-course meal with wine and port.

Spouses and partners are once again warmly invited and they will be more than welcome to relax in the Library whilst the AGM is in progress. We will all meet up in the Library for pre-dinner drinks at 6.45pm, followed by Dinner at 7.30pm

AGENDA 1. Welcome & Apologies 2. Approval of minutes from Annual General Meeting

November 16th 2013 3. Matters Arising from meeting on November 16th 2013 4. Presidents Report 5. Chairman’s Report 6. Secretary’s Report 7. Treasurer’s Report 8. Future Events 9. Election of Officers 10. Any Other Business 11. Date of next AGM


Drinks In The City will once again be held at the East India Club, London on Tuesday February 3rd 2015. Cost of the tickets will be £20.00 for those who left the school in 2005 and after and £27.00 for all other guests. Please see the enclosed booking form.


This year’s Gaudy will be on Saturday June 6th 2015 and the years to be invited are those joining the School between 1956-1960, 1983-1993 and 6th formers 1961,1962,1963, 1994,1995,1996.



It is proposed to hold a luncheon at The Wentworth Hotel in Aldeburgh for Old Reptonians living in the East Anglian area on WEDNESDAY 8TH JULY 2015. It may be necessary to limit numbers, in which case preference will be given to those living in postcodes CB, CO, CM, IP and NR.

Unfortunately, since our last gathering, I have suffered a major computer breakdown in which I lost all e-mail addresses, so I must ask all those interested to get in touch with me anew. Would anyone interested in being kept advised of arrangements, please contact me by e-mail as soon as possible jgr.lfr@btopenworld.com or by phone on 01728 452135.

I am planning for a three-course lunch consisting of a choice from two starters, two mains (meat or fish) and three sweets, with coffee and mints. The cost is likely to be c.£26.50 per head. No drinks are included as it seems so much easier (with today’s constraints!) for each to do as they wish on this score.

John Richardson (H’70)

If you would like a group of your contemporaries to join you at any of these events and you need any help with contact details, please do not hesitate to call the OR office on 01283 559320 or email jcobb@repton.org.uk.


Calling All OR Artists! With my intention to retire as Head of Art after 30 years at Repton School in July 2015, I felt it was timely to invite OR artists back to the department for a weekend of Art and entertainment on the weekend of January 23rd/24th/25th 2015. I’m planning to invite Art Themen, one of Britain’s greatest saxophonists, and his Londonbased quintet to play a concert in the Beldam Hall on the Friday evening. This concert would get our Art weekend underway in grand style. On Saturday artists would come to the Art Department and have the opportunity of making art for the day under the guidance of the current team of residents and members of staff. That evening an early supper will be taken in the Jaipur Indian restaurant in the village, followed by an evening in the Red Lion where my band and miscellaneous OR musicians will entertain you. On Sunday morning, early birds can join the school in Chapel, while late risers can come to the Art School at 11am for coffee and to take part in a careers forum sharing professional experience with current Reptonians, before a leisurely lunch in the Bull’s Head to close the weekend.

I’m proposing that ORs make their own arrangements for accommodation in hotels in the Burton and Derby area (the OR office can provide further information if necessary) and that to cover the cost of the concert, materials and refreshments there will a charge of £75 for the weekend. If you would be interested in attending, please contact me initially via email jhb@repton.org.uk to reserve your place by October 31st 2014.

Regular drawing practice since your Repton days is not a prerequisite for your attendance - I'm expecting we're all pretty rusty these days!!

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