1 minute read

‘Doctor Faustus’ , 400 Hall, 7.30 pm

Major Herbert Theodore Cliff (Priory 1890) Killed in Action 13th October 1914 aged 39.

The Reptonian reported “He was killed while releasing some poor French peasants from a burning house in which they had been locked by the Germans. The peasants escaped, but Major Cliff lost his life. ”

Lieutenant Patrick Maxwell Murray (Priory 1903) Killed in Action at the Battle of the Aisne 20th September 1914 aged 24.

His Colonel wrote “After a very dashing advance in which he was one of the first to gain the trenches, he was there killed instantaneously while encouraging his men and watching every turn of the fight at his own peril. ”

Lieutenant Charles Frederick Phayre (Mitre 1905) Killed in action near Mons 27th August 1914 aged 23.

His Captain wrote “I ordered a charge and the company dashed forward, and he was well in front. We were met by a blasting fire, and numbers of the men fell. He got within 30 yards of the enemy’s trench, and there was shot dead, falling with his head towards the enemy, 10 yards in front of his men. ”

Lieutenant Basil Hamilton Woods (Brook 1906) Killed by the explosion of a German mine under his motor launch on the Suez Canal 17th December 1914 aged 23.

His Colonel wrote to Basil’s parents “His loss, I can assure you, is very keenly felt by me, as Woods was one of my most promising Lieutenants. I trust you will treasure the remembrance that your son was not only respected by all ranks, but we and all the men were fond of him as only soldiers can be. ”

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