1 minute read

OR Society Grant

Applications Now Being Taken

Did you know that every year the OR Society awards a grant to ORs to support career development and further education opportunities?

In keeping with the OR Society founding principles to maintain links with Old Reptonians and support their endeavours after their time at Repton, the OR Society is proud to provide grants to ORs seeking to further develop their career ambitions. As is the case with support for OR Branches, each application for funding will be discussed on an ad-hoc basis by the OR Society Executive Committee and taken to the General Committee meeting in September of each year for approval. As part of any grant funding application, we ask applicants to:

1 Highlight previous support for the OR Society and its founding principles

2 Demonstrate how the grant will positively impact the applicants career progression

3 Agree in principle to provide feedback on how the grant has supported their career development and to commit to support future careers initiatives for pupils and / or other ORs

If you would like to make an application for the OR Society Grant please submit your application in writing to or@repton.org.uk. We require a description of the course or placement and a supporting statement that outlines the benefits to you of participating. The deadline for applications is 31st August 2023.

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