1 minute read

OR Professional Property Club

To make sure you are included in future Lancashire & Cheshire comms, if you wish to attend the Drinks Event, have ideas for future events or would love to help out as anAmbassador, please contact the OR Office - or@repton.org.uk.

We look forward to reconnecting.

OR Lancashire & Cheshire Branch

Secretary - Jonathan Every (N’92)

Ambassador - Amelia Haywood (née Etherington) (M’09)

Ambassador - Julian Crossley (C’82)


As with years before, we are planning on booking a lunch somewhere in Central London. This has been a fantastic event in years gone by, and one that has resulted in both new friends and business. If you are interested in joining us, please send an email to aoife.broderick@allsop.co.uk and you will be added to a mailing list.

Aoife Broderick (A’07) and Chris Berriman (L’77)

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