1 minute read

Arthur Dunn Cup Dinner

On Friday, 2nd September, the night before OR Day, the Headmaster, Mark Semmence, very kindly hosted a Dinner in The Hall to celebrate the magnificent victory of the ORFC in the Arthur Dunn Cup.

Those invited included not only the squad who trounced the Old Etonians so emphatically, but also the squad who had last held the trophy aloft some 31 years before. The evening was thus a delightful fusion of two generations of outstanding Repton footballing talent, with friends meeting friends but also new acquaintances made.

Inevitably there was much reminiscing, not only informally but also in the short speeches. Whilst occasionally the memory might have been a bit hazy, what cannot be disputed is the standing of Repton football, both past (distant and more recent) and present. Something of which to be really proud.

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