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WIN with Sunderland Vibe

with Sunderland Vibe

To celebrate the Easter holidays, and to help kids get crafty in the home, we’re giving Vibe readers and their little ones the chance to WIN £100 for the best decorated egg! Egg decorating competitions take place in schools across Sunderland, the North East and beyond every Easter. This year, we’re taking matters into our own hands with our very own Sunderland Vibe Egg Decorating Competition. Simply create your own egg-cellent masterpiece, submit your snaps on Facebook tagging @SunderlandVibe and use the hashtag #VibeEasterEgg. Our Sunderland Vibe Egg Decorating champion will be announced via Facebook on Sunday 19th April 2020. T&Cs: Images must be shared via our Sunderland Vibe Facebook page tagging @SunderlandVibe and using the hashtag #VibeEasterEgg. Only one winner will be announced. Other terms and conditions are available on request from: rebecca@remembermedia.co.uk. Closing date: Noon, Sunday 19th April 2020.

With the Easter holidays in full swing, and recent Government measures meaning we're all house-bound, there's never been a better time to pop the apron on and cook, bake and create!

Singin’ Hinnies The North East's answer to fluffy pancakes, these sweet, griddled hotcakes go down a treat with everyone - including the kids. Best of all? You only need a few kitchen cupboard ingredients to make them! Eat them for breakfast, or serve them as tea-time pick-me-up.

Ingredients 300g plain flour 1 tsp baking powder Zest of ½ lemon ½ tsp salt 75g chilled lard, diced 75g cold butter, diced, plus extra to cook 2-3 tbsp milk, to mix 100g currants or other dried fruit, optional

Did you know? The 'singin' refers to the sounds of the sizzling lard (or butter) while the little treats cook in the pan. Traditionally, Singin Hinnies are served like scones, with lashings of cream, loads of jam and sometimes berries, too. Go with what you fancy!

Method 1. Combine the flour, baking powder, lemon zest and salt in a mixing bowl. Rub in the fats until the mixture looks like breadcrumbs, then stir in the dried fruit, if using. Add just enough milk to mix to a firm, but not crumbly, dough. 2. Roll out on a floured surface to about 1cm thick and stamp out 6cm rounds with a cutter. 3. Grease a flat griddle or a heavy frying pan with a little butter. Cook the hinnies in batches over a medium to low heat for 2-3 minutes each side, until they are well browned and cooked through. There’s nothing better than a chippy tea come Easter Friday. Get all hands on deck at home with this cracking fish 'n' chips recipe! Fishy Friday

Ingredients 4 potatoes (chopped into 8 wedges) 1 tbsp vegetable oil 75g dried breadcrumbs 1 egg, beaten 4 fillets of skinless haddock/cod 300g mushy peas Black pepper

Method 1. Pre-heat your oven to oven to 200°C. Lightly grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil. 2. Add the potatoes to a roasting tin. Use the remaining vegetable oil and toss to coat. Add a pinch of black pepper and bake for 35-40 minutes, turning over after 20 minutes. 3. Sprinkle breadcrumbs on to a plate and add a pinch of black pepper. Dip each fish fillet in the beaten egg mixture and coat in breadcrumbs. 4. Bake the fish fillets for 20 minutes, alongside the potatoes. 5. Once cooked, heat the mushy peas and serve. Enjoy!

Panackelty warms the cockles like no other. Traditionally cooked on a Monday and made from Sunday lunch leftovers, this hearty casserole dish is still one of the North East’s most loved meals. It's made up of layers of meat and vegetables, including potatoes, onions, carrot, corned beef or bacon, all of which are left to bake throughout the day in an oven pot on low heat, or cooked slowly on a low heat in a pan - hence the name! A hearty meal for the entire family and a great way to make the most of leftover meat and veg - check out our Vibe Panackelty recipe below and make it an evening meal to remember! Vibe Panackelty

Ingredients 4 onions, chopped 2 tbsp beef dripping 400g corned beef, leftover meat or sausages 125g bacon, sliced 2 carrots, sliced, with any other root vegetables lying around 4 large potatoes, peeled and sliced 750ml hot stock Salt and pepper


Method 1. Pre-heat th oven to 190ºC and line a oven-proof casserole dish with a touch of vegetable oil. 2. Fry the onions (with bacon if possible) in beef dripping for 10 minutes before setting aside. 3. Using the same pan, line the bottom of the pan with a layer of sliced potatoes, seasoning each layer as you go. Cover each layer with sliced onions, leftover meat and sliced carrots. 4. Repeat the layering process with a layer of potatoes. Pour in the hot stock, cover with foil and place into a pre-heated oven for 45 minutes. 5. After 45 minutes, remove the foil lip and place back into the oven to let the potatoes brown. 6. Return the dish to the oven for 10 minutes until bubbling. 7. Stick it in a bowl and dive in!