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Arcade Fire Is on a Mission to Help the People of Haiti

IF YOU WERE IN NEW ORLEANS the week before Mardi Gras (we’re assuming you weren’t there for Mardi Gras), you may have witnessed a unique sight: members of Arcade Fire marching alongside the Preservation Hall jazz band. “The Krewe du Kanaval” collaboration was the band’s brainchild to showcase the “historical, cultural and spiritual link between New Orleans and Haiti,” a place close their heart. The family of Regine Chassagne—who’s married to frontman Win Butler—is from Haiti. The parade is just one way they’re raising money for a group she founded called Kanpe (“stand up” in Creole).


The group is heavily involved in education, leadership, agriculture and health programs in an effort help “the most vulnerable Haitian families toward their financial autonomy.” It’s an issue the couple is deeply passionate about. Following President Trump’s disparaging remarks about the nation, Butler tweeted, “Haiti is one of the most special and amazing places I’ve been on this earth, and we need more Haitian-Americans.”