6 minute read



“My mother lit the dance fire at age three Ms Stines and L’Acadco have consistently added fuel to that fire since joining the company fresh out of high school. Performing and educating locally and internationally has been one of the greatest rewards of being with the company L’Acadco has become the space where my foundational dance training thrives L’Antech has found a home in my body and spirit I have been given the opportunity to lead the company as Assistant Artistic Director and though I have gigantic shoes to fill, my experience thus far has been guided and supported L’Acadco will forever have a piece of my heart ”

“I saw the company performing “Binghi” and fell in love When I started, I did not feel technically ready, so I took a year off and then came back Doc Stines saw something in me and put me in “L’Antech Meets Reggae” I am now at the senior level performing major roles. The L’Antech dance language represents freedom in movement. It is the first technique that allows you both to use your hips and the modern technique Doing L’Antech allows me a voice as a male Jamaican dancer” S H A V A U G H N B .



“It was my first year of college and I remember coming home for the summer holidays I ran into an old dance mate from high school and told her I needed somewhere to take some dance classes while home. She recommended L’Acadco. When I told my parents, my father said, ‘Yes, that’s where I want you to go, I know you are going to love it’ The following day he drove me to 39 First Avenue and the rest is history Who thought that taking classes for just the summer would have led me here today ”


“I began dancing seriously at age 12. I auditioned for L’Acadco at age 18 and joined the company I found the space to be very special, I feel safe and at home I believe that I have grown tremendously in the six years since I joined the company. Highlights of my journey with the company include the 2018 Season Daaancing Crystals, the IABD tour in Dayton, Ohio in 2019 and performing at CARIFESTA in Trinidad and Tobago in 2019 ” A A L I Y A H H A



“I came from Grenada to the Edna Manley College to study dance. There I was sighted by Doc Stines and she invited me to join the group. If an individual is on a quest to find yourself this is the place to do it It helps to unite body and spirit This place reminds you that you can never lose you Dance is an eye opening experience in which the possibilities are endless. I am the best version of myself with dance. My dream is to go as far as dance can take me.”


“My experience with the company began when I saw them perform “Hounfour of the Drums” at the first staging of Jamaica Dance Umbrella. Coming from a background of traditional folk forms and popular dance, the fusion of the traditional and modern dance in “Hounfour” made me eager to be a part of a space that encapsulated all those forms I auditioned twice before joining the company Since then, I have performed and toured with the company Now, as a senior company member and choreographer, I am excited about the future of L’Acadco.” O R V I L L E M


“I was first introduced to dance whilst attending Ardenne High School, and subsequently, the space was populated by past L’Acadco members I instantly fell in love with the technique, L’AnTech L’Acadco is a home away from home I see L’Acadco as an extension of my family and hope to one day give back to the space, the same way the space has poured into me.”


“Adrian Wanliss, a member of L’Acadco invited me to a class and I never looked back. L’Acadco is a family, a supportive space. I have grown at L’Acadco and gone through life changes good and bad The company is home to the most humble, yet passionate and fierce dancers you can find They are perfectionists It demands dedication and hard work and engenders growth, self awareness, confidence and truth to self. I will continue as long as possible with L’Acadco. I will continue to support the company even after I retire. S A M A N T H A D


“At L’Acadco, I learnt about the greatness of Black people. I learnt the discipline that the movement structure of L’Antech placed on the body I find L’Antech fascinating and I am always ready to tackle the challenges it places on my body There was a time when I considered giving up dancing, but Ms Stines supported me in honing my skills in dance. It was a gift. A highpoint of my time with L’ACADCO was performing in Washington where we got a standing ovation The audience was overwhelmed ”

K E L L IR A E A .


“I am very proud of myself for taking a leap of faith and auditioning for the company Dancing with L’Acadco has been nothing less than rigorous and encouraging. The training is very meticulous and takes a lot of focus. I am excited to see where my dance career will take me in life, having further developed my skill set at L’Acadco ”

K R I S T A B .


“L’Acadco is a space in which to grow and harness individual abilities while learning to work as part of a unit and to push yourself. It is like the growth of a butterfly. I found L’Antech challenging, but when you get it, you get it It pushes you beyond your limits and capabilities It is a blend of different genres coming together as one My main goal is to master Lantech. At L’Acadco, I have grown as a dancer, a person, and a leader and being here has opened up national and international opportunities for me.”



“With L’Acadco I am achieving the things I set out to do –mastering new movements and performing more widely with opportunities to perform on corporate stages, in films, commercially and internationally L’Acadco is a space in which one can grow, a space which constantly challenges one to incorporate body, mind and spirit. It is a space that fosters and encourages you to look within and to connect your soul and movement in a way that helps you to communicate at a higher level with your audience ”

“I was initially hesitant when Dr Stines asked me to take a class with the company because I felt I wasn't technically ready, and I wanted to perform at my best In the few months that I've been training with her, Dr Stines has taught me a great deal. I've learned to respect the studio as it fosters growth under the direction of senior members and herself. I have much respect for Dr Stines and L'Antech and I'm excited about what the future holds for me ”

B R I T T A N Y P .

“I followed L’Acadco on Instagram and went to all the company’s shows Shaneaka invited me to a L’Acadco workshop Jessica invited me to the L’Acadco space for classes. I’ve been in the space since 2020 but officially became part of the company in 2021. I experienced L’Antech culture shock for a year I found it beautiful and hard and challenging to accommodate the movements It was an amazing experience, I learnt so much about technique as well as about myself I love the family feel of the company. The members are supportive and caring, fellow dancers look out for me, I never feel alone.”

“Doc Stines taught my mom at Edna Manley College and I followed the company on Instagram so I was familiar with what the company was doing. I saw auditions advertised in 2021 and came. At first, I was intimidated but Doc Stines and fellow members were very helpful, very supportive I have seen myself grow I have enjoyed learning the L’Antech technique and look forward to learning the entire repertoire The members are like mentors Even if I am upset, five minutes into being here I am healed. It is a powerful space. There is no one quite like Doc Stines as a teacher or mentor.


"I was first introduced to the company by Miss Jessica who is now the Assistant Artistic Director. When I started, I just wanted to find a new space where I could grow and not feel as though I was regressing I really didn't know what I was getting myself into but as soon Miss Stines warned me that I might experience some culture shock and when I had my first class I knew that this was the space I needed to be in to grow. I am honoured to be sharing a stage with such wonderful and talented souls "


“I wanted training that would allow identification with my Africanness and to make me better connect with my roots. L’Acadco has preserved their heritage through dance and culture and so facilitated that connection. Being in L’Acadco allowed me to share the stage with several Jamaican and Caribbean choreographers and has inspired me to advance my journey in choreography L’Acadco is a catalyst for transformation for any dancer. L’Antech has created a system that ensures that future dancers will have the opportunity to experience the dance system. I would like to teach L’Antech ”

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