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Premier Magazine PH Vol. 1.10 France Special Issue



Expo is a huge global exhibition organized every five years in one of the world's cities since the nineteenth century. The first world exhibition was held in London in 1851 at Crystal Palace, which was built specifically for this purpose. In Paris, the 1889 exhibition revealed the Eiffel Tower. Thousands of visitors started to arrive at Expo 2020 in Dubai with the official opening of its doors, despite the high temperatures after the postponement of the event for a whole year due to COVID-19. Expo Dubai, which opened Thursday evening with an official ceremony, was held on the outskirts of Dubai at a cost of about seven billion dollars and includes hundreds of pavilions of participating countries and exhibitions on large areas. It is the largest event organized since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, as the Tokyo Olympics were held last summer without spectators in stadiums to avoid rapid transmission of the virus. Visitors to the exhibition will be asked to provide a vaccination certificate or a negative test result of the COVID-19 epidemic. They will also have to set masks and adhere to the rules of social distancing. The UAE is one of the countries that carried out an intensive and rapid vaccination campaign for its population, with twenty million doses, and the population is ten million. The UAE Minister of State for International Cooperation and Director-General of the Expo 2020 Dubai Office HE Reem Al Hashemi told Agence France-Presse, "We are doing everything scientifically possible to mitigate the effects of COVID, as well as what is necessary to move forward." - by Anhar Ahmed, Premier Magazine PH, Sapere Aude

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