2 minute read

Why we need our Girlfriends

Ona recent night out with some friends, I laughed until I cried, discovered the most delicious pizza in Bahrain and had a good reason to get all dolled up. So, what was so special about this night? As a working mother, wife and a busy expat, this night made me realise not only how lucky I was to form such a great bond but just how important female friendships are for women.

Throughout my life my female friendships have led me to so many places of discovery, both physically and mentally. And here’s why I believe having deep, meaningful friendships are so important. Throughout my life, whether living in South Africa, where I am from (Howzit!) to living in Qatar, and now Bahrain, friendship is what has helped me navigate some difficult and tricky situations. From challenging situations at work, to traversing relationships, and then moving into motherhood, the friends I have made have helped me to not only overcome many situations but have able to ease the load through simple basic things, like cracking a joke, reminding me of fond memories, going for a coffee, and going dancing! These moments, when things feel dark and heavy help uplift and lighten the load of the problem.

Additionally, I have discovered that particularly in Bahrain, the friends I have made have really offered me a community that makes me feel like I belong. Despite different backgrounds, and living in different countries, the common thread between us is the very thing that bonds us. That sense of belonging is reiterated by common ground, and transcends language and cultural barriers. Our female friendship also inspire our own independence, and our own self-actualisation some friends are good for a catch up after a long time, picking up where we left off, and then other friendships are good for every day, meme sharing and just unloading after a difficult day. Female friendships offer encouragement when you just don’t want to work out or go to that painting class, and help us to reach our full potential.

For my friends back home, friendship has been a pillar to keep me grounded to remind me where I come from and where I am going to and why my journey is important. These friends offer emotional support when I am ready to 'throw in the towel and move back' and remind me about why I am living the life I chose. And, thank goodness for that, or else I’d be spending a lot of money on unnecessary flights home!

Where the world can often make women compete, when I look around, I see women building each other up, supporting each other and helping each other to heal and grow. Friendships are the cornerstone of women’s communities, they give us light, upliftment and most importantly they relieve us of the heavy burdens we bare even in a brief moment over pizza.

How would you describe yourself?

I’m a confident extrovert who absolutely loves life! I always see the glass as half full no matter what I come across and I never take the victim mentality. I absolutely hate 'why me?' personalities or moaners. I feel when life hands you hard times you just get on with it.

What was your favourite band or musician growing up?

So relevant! Backstreet Boys were my favourite band in highschool! I never thought that one day I would see them live in concert, it’s like a dream come true!

Diamonds or pearls?

Your dream holiday destination?

Beach resorts are always my favourite. My dream is to go to Bora Bora.

What’s the most random thing in your purse right now?

Garbage! I don’t know why, but I always end up with random receipts in there.