1 minute read

"this will never work"

in every organization you have people who distrust every idea. they just don't want to believe it can work or should be done. with these people it is best to show concrete results instead of coming up with an idea. remember, managers do not run a risk by saying no to an idea, but they do run a risk if they say no to a successful solution.

in every organization there are people who have to make sure that the company does not get into trouble. therefore, everyone must comply with the rules and every risk must be avoided. the more regulated the industry, the stronger this phenomenon. involve these people as early as possible, let them clarify what the limitations are and then explore together what could be possible.

in large, more traditional companies, quite often the traditional leadership style dominates. these managers stopped asking why things are done in a certain way long ago. the best tactic here is not to convince them, but to call in someone who does have the trust of this person and at the same time believes in your initiative.