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The Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery presents The Strawberry Thief, an exhibition of new paintings by Madrid-based artist, Nikoleta Sekulovic. Focusing on the female nude set against the rich patterns of William Morris’ textile designs, Sekulovic confounds conventional expectations with tender depictions of her chosen subjects - all of whom are mothers, like herself. The exhibition runs at the Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery, 2a Conway Street, London W1T 6BA, from 1 April to 28 April, 2023.

The Strawberry Thief,

Ignea, 2022 acrylic and graphite on canvas

180 x 118 cm

70 7/8 x 46 1/2 in

192 x 160 cm

75 5/8 x 63 in

In this body of work, Sekulovic’s paintings are imbued with a sense of hard-won craftsmanship that recalls Morris’ revivalist aspirations. Through her artful transcription of Morris’ original designs, and her inscription of carefully-selected verses of his poetry onto the back of her canvases, she celebrates – and connects with – the moral and intellectual ideals of Morris’ own practice, and binds it to her own distinctive vision.

Incarnata, 2022 (details of back) acrylic and graphite on canvas

137 x 100 cm

54 x 39 3/8 in

Bourgati Oxford Blue, 2023 acrylic and graphite on canvas

180 cm diameter

70 7/8 in diameter

'Every single woman is different; the way my models pose reflects a part of who they are, expressing their personality. There is no pretence, no trying to act out, they are simply themselves, and that’s great. The way a woman thinks she should look or tries to conform to an ideal of beauty should not hold her back from being who she is.'