1 minute read


Cold Porcelain Dandelion

Cold Porcelain Dandelion


What inspires you?


Flowers. No seriously, flowers are AMAZING! Look at them! Each and everyone is so different and beautiful in it's own unique way. They are not just plants - they are memories coming to life. Memories about a certain person, or a moment, or a feeling you had.

Foxglove Flower Silicone Veiner and Plastic Cutter Set

Foxglove Flower Silicone Veiner and Plastic Cutter Set


What makes your products special?

Nobody will be surprised if I'll say that I make all of my flowers by hand. However, I even make my own tools to make my flowers! I picked 3d design to learn how to create printable cutters. I've learnt how to use silicone and plastic to make my own veiners and moulds. I carefully pick every petal that I'll later use as a reference.

Artificial Raspberries

Artificial Raspberries
