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Team Tucker


Colleagues Say Rick Tucker Is Unwavering In His Commitment To His Airport, Community and Broader Industry



Rick Tucker has been running the Port of Huntsville for more than a quarter century. He’s clearly enmeshed in the community, working in collaboration with local businesses large and small to elevate the small city to compete on the global stage. Colleagues say his commitment to the airport and the city is extraordinary. Tucker is also active in advocating for airports on a state and national level.

Several of his key staff have been there for decades, a fact that many say points to Tucker’s effectiveness as a leader. Here’s what a few prominent colleagues have to say.

GREGG PARADIES President and CEO Paradies Lagardère

“We’ve worked with Rick for many years. He’s probably one of the longest-tenured airport directors in the country. He’s very approachable and always has been. Even though he’s been CEO for 27 years he’s always been the person where we can pick up the phone and speak at a moment’s notice. He’s a very good partner. We’ve been through many cycles with Rick with 9/11, the Great Recession and most recently Covid. During the good times he’s been a great partner and during the worst of times he’s been a great partner. That’s not always the rule [in the industry]. Rick has always had a strong team around him that we work with, and he’s able to delegate well. The sign of a great leader is someone who builds a strong team around them, and Rick has been able to do that.”


CEO Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky International Airport

“When I was chair of ACI, he was chair of the U.S. Policy Council. He was masterful on the U.S. Policy Council. He had a very good relationship with his senator and was very helpful, publicly and privately, driving some of the discussions and trying to drive particular issues throughout the U.S. Policy Council. Rick is a man of integrity. He only speaks when he has something worthwhile to say, which is unique. He’s an active listener, so he will listen, he processes and he will speak. As a consequence, people always listen to what he has to say because it’s worthwhile. It’s well thought out and useful to the discussion.”


Attorney McDaniel & McDaniel

“One of the reasons I agreed to be on the board [beginning 17 years ago] was because Rick was the CEO. I knew what kind of person he was from high school and keeping up with his career, and I had a lot of confidence that he’d be a really good person to work with because he’s serious, he’s serious about doing things right. We have committee meetings once a month. He’s very, very thorough. He wants the board to know everything that’s going on. He’s a real detailed person. He’s very professional, very focused, very job-oriented. Also, he always gives everybody else credit. In 17 years, I have never seen him take credit for anything. If something good happens, it’s just always somebody else’s credit. You know he’s the guy behind it all, but that man has never taken credit for anything. It’s always the team.”


Executive Director Savannah Airport Commission

“Over the years Huntsville and Savannah have had staff exchanges where Huntsville has visited Savannah with its senior staff and Savannah has visited Huntsville with our senior staff. Over the years we’ve learned a lot from each other. Rick’s been a very accommodating partner, and it’s worked well for both partners. Rick has assumed leadership positions with Airports Council International and with the state of Alabama with the Alabama State Airport Association, where he’s regarded very highly. He’s also first in line to help other airports when there are hurricane disasters, working with SEADOG (Southeast Airport Disaster Operations Group). His team has committed all sorts of resources and time to support other airports that have been impacted by hurricanes over the years. When there’s a challenge, Huntsville is up to it and they’re not afraid to take action and pitch in where needed, and that’s a direct reflection on Rick as a leader. I appreciate having worked with him and learned from him over the years, and I look forward to continuing to pick his brain until he retires.”


Consultant R. G. Flippo & Associates

“The first word that I would use in connection with Rick Tucker is integrity. He’s got a good management style, he surrounds himself with a good team and he makes sure that team has the resources they need. The whole operation is quite good. He provides a lot of inspiration just by his own personal character. He’s an inclusive kind of man and he gives them the encouragement and the resources. They do a good job and they are focused on their mission. [The airport] plays a major role in economic development in the region, not only in the footprint of the airport, but the state of Alabama. Rick does a good job of working with all the airports in the state and they developed, electively under Rick’s leadership, a kind-of blue book on aviation issues. They take that and they go to the local governments and to Congress with those type of issues as the State Aviation Association, and they work with the state public officials very carefully, in a very cooperative way. Any of the congressional offices or state representatives who have questions can take a look at that blue book and see what those issues are.”


Vice President Foreign-Trade Zone Corporation “It’s hard to describe my relationship with Rick without sounding a bit over-the-top. Rick is one of those folks who identifies ways in which his organization can benefit the public, then marshals the resources – both human and capital – to make sure that the desired ends are achieved. He is mission driven. He’s most amiable, but nothing is allowed to detract from the task at hand. His leadership style is both nurturing and exacting at the same time.

Rick’s work style is highly focused, highly organized, and highly collaborative. His problem solving abilities are extraordinary. He makes sure that goals and objectives are clear and achievable, and that everyone on his team is on the same page. It’s clear to anyone who knows him that Rick believes that arriving at the right answer requires asking the right questions. Ask anybody who works with him, Rick knows how to ask a lot of incisive questions.”


Chief Industry Analyst Swelbar-Zhong Consultancy “Like me, Rick’s a deregulation baby. He began his career in the late ‘70s so he’s been through it all. I find Rick to be wicked smart. He’s always been a bit of a maverick when dealing with the airlines. He’s not afraid to take on issues that are consumer related. The last time he negotiated with the airlines he was unhappy with the way the bags were being delivered, and I’ll tell you what, he was a maverick. He aggressively tried to deal with that issue and got some things resolved. Also, the guy just simply bleeds Huntsville. Whatever he takes on he’s tireless in it. ACI has been prescient enough to put Rick in a policy position, a thinking position on behalf of all airports. I think it’s a great spot for him because, Lord only knows, the man hates to take no for an answer. Whatever the task is, he’s taking it on 110 percent. His work on behalf of that community is extraordinary.”


President The Aviation Council of Alabama

“Rick is a great leader. He’s concerned about aviation, not only in his community, but in his state, nationally and globally. Huntsville reaches out across all those facets. Rick is always on the move, has great ideas and takes a leadership role, which is nice. From the littlest guy all the way up to our largest airport… he understands the relationship and what we need to do as an organization to support all facets of aviation in the state. Obviously, you can’t do it all yourself and he has developed a great team around him at Huntsville. I just can’t thank them enough as a team for keeping out front and being proactive, not only at the federal level but at the state level.”



We celebrate the dedication you’ve shown on the way to this achievement, and we are gratified that our industry has recognized your steadfast, effective leadership. Well done, and well deserved.